Renters to save £240 a year as landlords face tough new rules
Landlords will have to meet decent energy efficiency standards in homes they rent out by 2030, under plans put out for consultation by the Government. All private landlords in England…
Holly Willoughby’s Netflix comeback proves she’s our most resilient TV star
“It’s been a tough one.” Holly Willoughby’s recent summary of what has surely been the most difficult year and a half of her life was an understatement, to say the…
Beyonce-approved jewellery brand slashes engagement ring prices by 50%
With Valentine’s Day less than a fortnight away, you might be in a rush to find the perfect gift for your significant other. If you’ve decided on jewellery – always…
School phone ban trial pushing ahead despite research claim it ‘does not improve grades or behaviour’
A Government scheme to prevent mobile phones being used in schools is being pushed forward, while a peer-reviewed study shows banning devices is not linked to pupils performing better.
One Day and Line of Duty stars recruited for Blue Lights series three set to explore ‘middle class organised crime’
Belfast actors — One Day star Brendan Quinn and Line of Duty star Maria Connolly — have both joined the cast of BBC One’s procedural drama series Blue Lights, as…
‘I knew from the start that the film would not work if you didn’t have the right actor’
Conor Toner’s short film is one of 54 on the BFI Future Film Festival’s programme, all of which are available on the BFI YouTube channel.
Shop footfall in Northern Ireland picks up in January
Shop footfall in Northern Ireland climbed 3.5% in January compared to the same month the year before, a report said today. According to the data from the NI Retail Consortium…
Top Belfast school repentant after ‘traumatised’ teen breaks ranks on rugby hazing
A former pupil at one of Northern Ireland’s top grammar schools is to get £50,000 in damages over allegedly being forced to strip naked and have his head shaved as…
Injured boxer left in wheelchair hoping therapy will allow him to play with son
A former boxer from Belfast told he may never move again after suffering a stroke following a fight is appealing to the public for help in accessing new treatment that…
‘A doctor told my husband he had cancer, he died 20 hours later’
A fit retired firefighter who went to see the doctor with a cough he couldn’t shackle was told he had lung cancer – and died 20 hours later. Jeff Simpson…