When you are attacked by both Labour and Conservative (and strange lefties like James O’Brien before he retreats to his gated community) you know you must be doing something right. That is the position Nigel Farage find himself in most days.

And it’s a great credit to him that he is responsible for so much angst when you think he leads a party of only four other MPs. Rival politicians correctly fear that Farage’s success at the polls (4million voted for him, and it was FOR him) will only grow.

So, when he said that the public was ‘’not being told the truth’’ about Southport he struck a cord with the ordinary man and woman. That is something that neither Starmer or the One Nation wing of the Conservative party can reach.

Tom Tugendhat represents what remains of those Tories and felt he had a better chance of gaining publicity for his leadership bid by attacking Farage through the ‘’truth’’ statement than if he spelled out his policies which, frankly, would bring a tear to a glass eye.

Farage is right about Southport. A number of people know quite a lot about the background to the killings, but the authorities don’t want it shared. Why not?

The Prime Minister suggested everybody should be careful about commenting on social media as it could be viewed as prejudicial, potentially leading to the accused being acquitted.

That is ridiculous. If there is any contempt it’s the way the nation is being kept in the dark over the murder of those three little girls.

Prosecutors have put off the trial at Liverpool Crown Court until January 20 of next year. Why? It appears from the outside as pretty straightforward. After all the accused was found at the scene with a knife. Clearly motive will be important, which I imagine is what Farage was alluding to.

There is clearly a two-tier approach to the speed of justice. The prosecutors involved in the Southport offence are the same as those who, after the riots, had people arrested, charged and sentenced with 48 hours of the offence. So why a wait of almost six months before the Southport accused comes to trial?

Are they hoping the public’s anger will go out of the killings? I can assure them that will not happen.

I know there are important issues to be aired. My advice is trust the people. Either bring the trial forward or the ‘’authorities’’ should make a statement.

Right now, the dullest election of all time is to find the next leader of the Tories. It doesn’t matter who that is as Farage leading Reform has seized 25% of the natural Conservative base

Tories cannot win at the next election (and they know it) unless they do a deal with Farage. Were that to happen they would trounce Labour. If that doesn’t happen they will wandering around the wilderness for a lot more than 40 days.

It would be more like 40 years.

Farage has the magic. The Tories have the tragic. They need his insight into the way ordinary people feel. Without it, they are done for.

The Tories leadership should stop going round saying they won’t do a deal. It makes them look foolish. My bet is that Jenrick wins and I suspect he is more inclined to do such a deal with Farage than Tugendhat or Stride.

If that is the case Jenrick is my man. And should be yours.