How much can you recall from your driving theory test? A car expert at Cinch has highlighted three unusual signs that could leave you baffled while out on the roads – but believe it or not, they’re completely legitimate.

“Each year in the UK, new road signs, rules and guidelines are introduced to keep us safe on the roads,” Sam Sheehan at Cinch explained in a blog on the subject. “Brushing up on your unusual sign knowledge is a great way to ensure you’re safe in all driving scenarios.”

From explosions above cars to tanks on the roads, there are some pretty bizarre signs out there. But help is at hand in our guide below.

1. The explosion
Vehicles carrying explosives prohibited
Vehicles carrying explosives aren’t allowed in the area when this sign appears

Firstly, the expert pointed out one rather alarming sign that seems to show a car exploding within a red circular border that usually indicates an instruction you must obey. Before you start worrying and questioning why on Earth it’s suggesting you somehow detonate your vehicle, it’s worth noting this obviously isn’t the case at all.

Actually, the sign simply serves as a kind of warning, informing you that vehicles carrying explosives aren’t permitted in the area. Start Safety also clarified: “This should be in areas where explosives are commonly transported.

“This sign will be required in more densely populated areas where any explosions would have greater consequences, such as urban or residential areas close to manufactures handling explosive materials. If this area also falls within an area which produces natural gas then this sign would be a requirement.”

2. The toad
Warning sign for frog and toads on a country road in East Sussex
Toads may cross the road in this area (Image: Getty Images)

While out for a drive, you might come across hazard signs for various animals including deer, cows and hedgehogs. Yet what about toads?

You might be caught off guard by a triangular warning sign, but it’s actually there to caution motorists that the amphibians could be hopping across the road, potentially in pursuit of a romantic rendezvous. Sweet, eh?

Toads, like their froggy cousins, usually embark on their mating journey in spring, typically from the woods to watery breeding grounds. Surrey Wildlife Trust claims this often coincides with the earliest balmy and moist evenings of the year, often near Valentine’s Day festivities.

3. The tank

Road sign warning drivers of a tank crossing up ahead
The tank image, framed in a red hazard triangle, is merely designed to alert drivers to slow-moving military vehicles that may be in the area (Image: Getty Images)

Encountering a road sign with a tank symbol may be pretty unnerving, but it’s nothing to fret about. Encased within a red warning triangle, it simply informs drivers to be vigilant for potentially slow army vehicles they might find in the vicinity.

Such signs are mainly seen around army barracks or at locations where military exercises are being conducted, ensuring drivers exercise a higher degree of caution on their travels through these areas. Cinch’s motoring editor Sam added: “It’s usually set temporarily in zones where the military is carrying out their operations, or permanently positioned near army barracks, and it warns motorists to take extra care as they navigate the area.”

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