The reform of the planning process here must be an “express priority” for the next Programme for Government, it’s been claimed.

There have been widespread business and industry calls for a revamping of the planning system here – including speeding up processing times, improving the planning portal, prioritising green schemes and a review of the Planning Appeals Commission.

Speaking following a meeting with the Interim Regional Planning Commission, Suzanne Wylie, chief of NI Chamber, said that “as a key economic enabler, planning must be an express priority in the new Programme for Government”.

“To facilitate that, NI Chamber has clearly outlined a series of actionable improvements which can be readily implemented to enhance the system now and for the future.

Planning reform and the reform of the appeals process is something which this current Executive must address.

The process remains key to private and public sector development right across Northern Ireland, and most importantly in the current landscape, is an essential part of getting us towards an almost total

During a presentation to the Commission in Belfast, Ms Wylie outlined in detail, the priorities identified by the business organisation, which it says could accelerate Northern Ireland’s progress towards net zero, facilitate economic growth and deliver much needed affordable housing.

NI Chamber’s report stresses that the issues which exist cut across the responsibilities of councils, bodies that have to be consulted, the Department for Infrastructure and the Planning Appeals Commission and will require leadership across the Executive to drive the necessary changes to unlock log jams and enable a focus on sustainable growth.

Referring to its Planning Improvement Paper, published in partnership with Turley earlier this year, NI Chamber has also proposed that whilst retaining independence from any government department, the role, approach and resourcing of the Planning Appeals Commission must be reviewed and reformed without delay.

The Commission heard a series of proposals which would ensure that in future, the system is held to account for its performance and enable it to deal more effectively with NI Executive priorities including housing development, renewable energy projects and economic development.

“While we await the Executive’s new Programme for Government, the Commission was told that planning must be an immediate Executive priority, with cross departmental buy-in and accountability for significant whole-system improvement a top requirement,” it said.

Ms Wylie said: “Such reform presents an opportunity to open the door to significant sustainable growth and unlock Northern Ireland’s pathway to a decarbonised economy. We know that most economic development begins with planning, and for that reason the performance of our planning system must be competitive to attract and encourage investment.

“Today, we’ve had a very constructive session with the IRPC. We look forward to continued engagement with the Commission and the Executive on actioning proposals that have cross sector support.”