With last Monday being forecast to be the hottest day of the year so far, a trip to a water spot to cool down was very much on my mind. So, after I finished work at lunchtime, I got in the car to head to an idyllic, little-known lido an hour’s drive from Bristol in Somerset: the Greenbank Pool.

As I continue my little tour around outdoor swimming spots in the region – Clevedon Marine Lake and Warleigh Weir having been the most recent ones – I was keen to go back to the lido in Street. I had only been there once before for a flying visit earlier in the summer on my way back from Devon, but loved my brief time there.

The drive there was fairly long (just over an hour), but straight forward and – listening to music while my son had a nap – it was quite pleasant and relaxing. Parking was also not an issue, and I was able to grab a spot right outside the lido at £3.70 for two hours.


Leaving Bristol about 12.45pm, we were in the pool by 2pm and I was surprised that we didn’t have to queue to go in. Not able to book in advance, I was fully expecting a long queue to go in on the day forecast to be the hottest day of the year so far.

(Image: BristolLive)

The lido was busy, but it didn’t feel like overwhelmingly so and we were easily able to find a spot to put our things down. There are different areas and, going there with a 20-month-old, I spent most of the time in the splash pad area.

My son loved running around between all the different fountains and it was lovely to see him so relaxed in water. While he was a bit scared of the big slide in the splash pad area, he loved the small yellow one in the small pool.

(Image: BristolLive)

We also spent some time in the big pool, but not that much as it was a bit too full for me when trying to manage a toddler as well. Another highlight of the trip was looking at the field with sheep right next to the lido; excellent entertainment for under-twos.

When we first got there, it was overcast and I was worried we would get cold. However, not long after the sun came out which made the experience a lot nicer. The Greenbank Pool is surrounded by grass so there is plenty of room to relax and enjoy the lovely space.

There are some sheep in a small field right next to the lido
There are some sheep in a small field right next to the lido (Image: BristolLive)

The lido also has a well-stocked shop selling hot drinks, chocolates and most importantly ice creams, among others. Before heading back, we made a compulsory stop there and enjoyed having an ice-cream while watching people in the pool.

We left at about 4pm and were back in Bristol just before 5.30pm, but could definitely stayed there for longer if we had got there earlier. While things like this may feel a faff ahead of doing them – the packing, the drive with a toddler – they are so worth it.

There is plenty of space for kids to run around
There is plenty of space for kids to run around (Image: BristolLive)

Greenbank Pool is another perfect spot to spend a hot summer’s day in the Bristol region. While it is a bit far, I was impressed by the range of facilities there and, surrounded by greenery, it felt peaceful despite being busy; we will certainly be back.

The Greenbank Pool is open from May through to September; adult tickets are £8, children’s tickets are £6.50 for those aged 8 to 17, £6 for those aged two to seven and free for under two. You can find out more here.