Two police officers who allegedly used “unnecessary force” on a woman having a mental health crisis on Clifton Suspension Bridge will learn their fate on Friday (August 16). A week-long police misconduct hearing was adjourned in June when the panel indicated they would not reach a decision in time.

It will resume on Friday when it is also expected to conclude. The two female Avon & Somerset constables, who have since resigned from the force, deny breaches of the standards of professional behaviour amounting to gross misconduct. They admit misconduct.

The Legally Qualified Chair overseeing the proceedings granted an application by their lawyers for anonymity – a decision challenged unsuccessfully by BristolLive – so neither can be named. The incident, recorded on the constables’ bodyworn video camera, featured in the Channel 4 documentary series To Catch A Copper earlier this year.

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The hearing in June was told the officers were called to the bridge in the early hours of December 4, 2021, where a woman had tried to climb the wall and jump. One of the PCs sprayed the female, Miss A, with Pava artificial pepper at close range in the back of the police car after her colleague allegedly stood on the detainee’s arm and grabbed her hair and throat during the arrest.

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The pair “laughed at her suffering” and were sarcastic, condescending or antagonistic, it was alleged. Their treatment of the vulnerable woman was “appalling”, “brutal” and lacked compassion, said barrister Alan Jenkins, representing the force.

The officer who used Pava said it had the “desired effect” to subdue the female and get her to comply with instructions as she was kicking out and spitting. She insisted she did the right thing, although she accepted she should have treated her with respect and courtesy.

The other constable denied grabbing the woman’s throat and hair and intentionally standing on her arm and said they were dealing with a “violent criminal”. Miss A, who was intoxicated and had mental health issues, was well known to police and had dozens of convictions for assaulting emergency workers called out to deal with her, the panel heard.

Both officers admitted laughing during the incident but maintained this was to lighten the situation and show the woman that her verbal insults were having no effect and that they were not mocking or making fun of her. They arrested her for causing a public nuisance and took her to Patchway police station where she was placed into custody.

The pair told the hearing the Channel 4 footage was unfairly edited and did not portray what happened fully or accurately.