I find very strange that there is little mention of Walter Mondale, who was Jimmy Carter’s running mate from Minnesota when they won the general election; it could happen again with Gov. Tim Walz being a running mate of Kamala Harris. No one is saying anything about Mondale. How come? I thought there would be a CNN panel of experts saying a lot about it but it seems silent. Minnesota could be a lucky charm for the Democratic Party.

Anant Nagpur


(Minnesota became a dumpster fire thanks to Walz)


Was that boo-hoo or Bo who? Bichette is a really good player but whether it’s injury, indifference or a combination, it seems that he needs a reset. Much like Vladdy, who took his skill set and transitioned to first base, Bo could and should do the same and move to second or third base. He’s not a natural short stop and the Jays don’t miss him there. He has raw talent and it should be harnessed and exploited. I wish him all the best whenever he returns and wherever he plays, be it a new team or a different position.

Bill Jamieson

(He’ll be seeing a lot of new faces in the dugout when he returns)


I’m surprised the owners of the Blue Jays continue to sit back and accept the constant losing after so many embarrassing seasons without replacing the incompetent president and general manager, both who should have been shown the door a long time ago. The president seems to be more interested in spending a ton of money to have a fancy stadium rather than on top-notch players at free agent time — earth to the president — loyal paying fans want a competitive team, not fancy wall-papered washrooms with decorated toilet seats. To all fans: The owners will only take notice and nothing will change until there is a sea of empty seats in the stadium.

Al Pastrak

(Renovations are nice but championships are better)