Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) chief Jon Boutcher has told the Muslim community that police officers will be “standing in harm’s way” to ensure they are safe amid several race-related attacks in Belfast.

In a YouTube video message addressed to Muslims in Northern Ireland, the PSNI Chief Constable said that every PSNI officer “is here to look after you, we’re here to protect you”.

He said the community had been targeted by “thugs and criminals” in recent days who are from a right-wing ideology “that makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever”.

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Mr Boutcher said a meeting was held between all leaders of mosques across Northern Ireland in Belfast on Tuesday night.

He said: “It’s clear to me you are living in fear… and I want to assure you: we will deal with it.”

Mr Boutcher said that the community team would be in touch and officers would visit mosques.

He added: “I want to assure you we will be policing those events very much with a focus on the security and the safety of our Muslim communities.

“We will be standing in harm’s way, which is what my officers have done so far on a number of evenings, to make sure you’re safe.

“Officers who have become injured, and I’ve spoken to them, who are doing it because they’re determined to make sure this cannot continue.

“Because we stand with you and we support you.”

Police are investigating race-related hate crimes and disorder across Belfast on Tuesday, following on from other disorder and violence in the city in the past week.

Politicians from across the political spectrum have condemned the violence and hit out at racism and hatred.

The Stormont Assembly is due to reconvene on Thursday to discuss the issue.