After a third night of disorder on the streets of Belfast, Rea’s estate agents on the Woodvale Road, and the Middle East Market on the Falls Road, were attacked in separate incidents.

Belfast Telegraph spoke to people on the Falls Road on Wednesday afternoon.

David Rea, who is from west Belfast but now lives in Vancouver, said: “Things were sort of quiet, we were doing pretty well but unfortunately it has gone back a bit on the progress that was made, but I think we will get past this.”

Andrew and Adam Guidarelli, brothers from Pittsburgh (USA) were on their first day of a visit to Northern Ireland.

Andrew said: “We heard what happened so we wanted to go to the shop (Middle East Market) and buy something and support them.”

Gerry Carroll, People Before Profit MLA for west Belfast, said: “I totally condemn this, this has caused fear and terror, but I am also heartened by what people did in this local area.”

A large number of local people and community representatives came out and stood against the violence that was shown towards the shop, on Tuesday night.

Brian Kingston, DUP MLA for north Belfast, was also on the ground last night, in the Woodvale area of the city, he said: “It was very depressing to see the outbreak of violence. My party colleagues and I totally condemn that violence and we appeal for calm.”