Rioters bent on destruction and violence on the UK’s streets are being warned they could face significant jail time. The last 48 hours have seen the first suspects up before the courts and the first people land in prison, either following sentencing or on remand awaiting trial.

A senior police officer has issued a stark warning to those prepared to take part in far-right anti-immigrant mayhem that participation in riots could lead to custodial sentences of up to five years. People setting fire to hotels housing asylum seekers risk life imprisonment if found guilty of arson with intent to endanger life.

Chief Constable BJ Harrington, the National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for public order, said: “Violent disorder carries a maximum sentence of five years and this week a number of suspects with no previous convictions have already been remanded in prison after their first appearance at the magistrate’s court for violent disorder.


“We have the full support of the Crown Prosecution Service and will be looking to minimise bail and maximise remand and custodial sentences to deter and prevent further rioting.

“What we have witnessed this past week is plain criminality. It’s dividing our communities, injuring our officers and it needs to stop. Forces continue to make arrests so be warned: if you have played a role, you can expect a knock at the door.

“Our message has been plain and simple from the beginning of this unrest – if you are causing violence on our streets you will face the full force of the law. If you are thinking about joining in, please think twice. You have a choice. This disorder does not have to happen.

“Once again, I’d like to issue a message to communities affected by this disorder. We are doing all we can to end the violence and bring those responsible to justice. Additional officers have been stood up to respond and remain in their communities for extra reassurance and support.

“We stand with you – we deplore this senseless violence and urge anyone planning on attending a so-called protest with the intent of causing disorder to think again.”

Met Police chief Sir Mark Rowley said “thousands of officers (are) on tonight” to protect immigration law specialists being targeted by rioters. He told broadcasters the targeting of immigration lawyers and services are “at the centre of our planning for tonight”.

“We have thousands of officers on tonight. We’ll protect those people. It is completely unacceptable, regardless of your political views, to intimidate any sector of lawful activity, and we will not let the immigration asylum system be intimidated.

“We’ll throw the full force of the law at offenders, whether that’s charging people with assaults, violent disorder, riot. And if terrorism offenses are appropriate, I know the Director of Public Prosecutions has said he’s prepared to consider that.”

“We’ve decided to marshal thousands of police officers across the country. We’ve changed our tactics in the last couple of days, and so besides marshalling more officers, we’re brigading some of them at key strategic locations across the country to give us more agility to respond to wherever the protests are most intense, so that we can respond with agility and show overwhelming force, so that the criminals and thugs on the streets don’t succeed.”