Just 30 days in office and already Keir Starmer is lying to the British people.

First, he says the war we’re currently seeing on our streets is simply down to Far Right thuggery.

Second, he says there’s no such thing as Two-Tier policing.

What planet is he living on?

And how dare he insult our intelligence when we’ve seen Two-Tier policing with our own eyes.

We’ve seen coppers go softly softly with BLM protesters – even kneeling before them. We’ve seen them offer tea and kind words to Just Stop Oil protestors. We’ve seen them stand by and do nothing while Pro-Palestinian mobs take to the capital’s streets every week screaming vile Jew-hating abuse.

But Hey – when a group of white thugs hit the streets of Southport the cops are out in full riot gear battering everyone – even women – who get in their way.

THAT’s two tier policing.

Don’t get me wrong there’re is no excuse for any of the thuggery we’re currently seeing. There’s no justification for violence and for people – be they black, white or brown – running through the streets brandishing knives, swords and machetes.

All of them should be thrown in jail like the knuckle-dragging morons they are. But Starmer’s got to stop blaming just one faction for all this because we’ve all seen the videos. We’ve seen the mobs and they’re not all Far Right white thugs.

But the most terrifying thing is Starmer STILL isn’t understanding what’s actually going on here. He refuses to see what the complex and underlying causes of these riots. And instead of vowing to protect all communities he’s vowed to just protect Muslim communities. And people have every right to be angry about that as Elon Musk pointed out.

And all the while Starmer – this weak, pathetic man – is still trotting out the cliches and platitudes he got away with while in opposition not realising that being Prime Minister is a job for a REAL leader and it requires more than just hollow words and rhetoric being spouted from behind union jack flags.

What’s even more terrifying is that he’s STILL missing the point of what’s actually happening here – branding it as a “reckoning” and demanding mass prosecutions when the fact is there’s a massive long term problem to be solved and part of that problem is 20 years of uncontrolled immigration. And the tragedy for Britain is that we now have a PM whose never going to be able to get to grips with this problem because he doesn’t accept that it even exists.

And blaming these riots on Russian propaganda or Tommy Robinson is not only a cop out and insanely simplistic, it’s demonising millions of decent ordinary people who feel disenfranchised, ignored, not listened to by the elitist class (feels like Brexit all over again with knobs on )

Because for every rioter on our streets this week, there are tens of thousands at home whose concerns and fears about immigration have been festering for years and they’re now saying “Enough is Enough”. They’re angry. They’re not Far Right, they’re not stupid. They’re just angry . And it’s time Starmer and his silly woke cabinet started to listen to those people and stopped blaming them for the mess governments over the past 20 years have created.

But Starmer’s incapable of hearing anything that doesn’t come from his own elitist echo chamber. He pretends to have working class roots yet he has no idea how immigration has affected working class people and their communities. He sees immigration from the rose- tinted standpoint of never having been impacted by it.

In fact he and his Toytown Government are dismantling the few safeguard the Tories put in place to try to and limit the numbers coming here. They’ve junked Rwanda, they’re tearing apart the Illegal Migration Act apart and they’re making it easier for people to come here legally on visas even though nearly 700,000 came last year.

And don’t get me on Yvette Cooper – so weak, so ineffective that she had her own husband interview her on ITV so she’d get an easy ride. If ever there was a politician out of her depth right now it’s Yvette Coper who actually said this week that the violence, was, in part, down to islamophobia. Dear God – talk about fanning the flames.

Never mind Two Tier policing. THIS is Two Tier Government.

The fact is Labour doesn’t care about immigration and it has nothing in place to try and control or stop it. So bunker down folks – the riots WILL go on.