While the ultimate responsibility lies with each motorist to navigate one’s vehicle safely, not every part of this issue can be controlled by us drivers, and we do require assistance from various government agencies. Summer driving is in full swing and the sides of our roadways are overrun with overgrowth, mainly weeds. Not everyone drives a high-riding SUV or pickup truck that can make it easier to see over this weed problem. Motorists of lower-riding vehicles can have their visibility severely impacted around freeway on-and-off ramps and at traffic intersections because they do not have the same sight lines. Add to that, many pavement markings have not been repainted in years. There seems to be this notion in big, wide-open Ontario that every motorist is a local citizen and that they know all the roadway peculiarities in every location and in any situation. Driving is not a guessing game. For myself, I find driving in the U.S. and some European countries easier than in Ontario, where road safety in every aspect is serious business. I just don’t feel it here.

Don Ruttan                                                                                                                                                 Cobourg

(Eyes wide open and hands on the wheel … or handlebars)


In response to the recent eliminations of two terrorists, in Beirut and Tehran, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a March interview on the topic of targeted killings of terrorists had said: “They are all dead men. We will reach them all.” Three words: Accountability, justice and patience may have different meanings to Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and, of course, Iran, but to an Israeli, they’re synonymous with the most feared word in the Middle East — and beyond: Mossad.

David Honigsberg                                                                                                                                     Toronto

(The sad reality of a region swept up in turmoil)