The owner of a popular cafe in south Belfast has said attacks on businesses in the area over the weekend made him feel sick, with Botanic Avenue’s success down to its diversity.

On Saturday, hundreds of anti-immigration protesters gathered outside City Hall before attempting to march to the Islamic Centre on University Road.

When a police cordon stopped them from reaching it, they dispersed into Botanic causing havoc for local businesses.

The Sahara Shisha Cafe, next to the Town Square owned by entrepreneur Peter Ringland (34), was one of the targets.

Mr Ringland said: “After destroying the Sahara Cafe beside us, the ‘protesters’ threatened our customers who were sitting outside our bar and told them that they better move inside as ‘someone was going to get murdered’.

“We were devastated to think that this kind of behaviour still happens in 2024. We were also scared to see that the police had difficulties preventing the vandalism and violence.

“Botanic has established itself as the food and drink quarter of Belfast and it’s largely thanks to the diverse food offering offered by the many nationalities who live and work in the area.”

Windows and furniture were smashed at the cafe and protesters targeted other businesses owned by ethnic minorities too – burning down Bash Cafe and Sham Market.

A fundraiser to help repair the damaged businesses was set up in the aftermath and has now raised over £90,000 at the time of writing.

Peter, who was one of the people who donated, said: “We literally felt sick after witnessing the destruction caused to our neighbours’ shops and immediately knew that we wanted to contribute financially to getting them back up and running asap.”

Stephen Montgomery, who started the fundraiser, said: “We’re absolutely overwhelmed and in awe at everyone’s gratitude during these dark times.”

The fundraiser, originally set up just to help repair Sahara, has grown to incorporate more businesses as it continues to raise more money.

Peter said: “It’s great to see the people of Belfast stand up against these criminals. We feel that banding together in solidarity with all the diverse inhabitants of Botanic is the best way to respond.

“There is no place for this kind of criminality in a modern society and I hope that the PSNI can restore and maintain order going forward.”

Four men appeared in court on Monday charged in connection with the riots.

If you want to support the fundraiser to help repair the businesses, you can donate to the GoFundMe page here.