A Stormont MLA has said there can’t be a repeat of the scenes in Belfast at the weekend amid reports of another anti-Islamic protest organised for this Friday.

It comes as the Justice Minister Naomi Long said further protests and disorder following the events at the weekend “cannot continue”.

A number of social media posts have encouraged people to attend another protest later this week.

Initially posts stated the protest was to be held this coming Saturday, however further posts have instead suggested an event will take place between 5pm-7pm on Friday.

Speaking to BBC NI, Alliance Party leader Naomi Long said: “We are already seeing now on social media people making preparations for another round of this next week. This cannot continue.

“I don’t share the concerns people have expressed around immigration.

“Let’s be clear, this was a cross-border operation, people came from Dublin and were protesting in Belfast. We have got to get a grip on this. We have got to get to the ring leaders and find out who they are.”

Watch: Cars burn during night of disorder in south Belfast

Asked about his view of further events taking place later this week on BBC NI’s Good Morning Ulster programme, SDLP politician Matthew O’Toole said: “We can’t have a repeat of it on Friday I think that is the most important thing.

“The people who were hell bent on destruction on Saturday were not simply there, it is important to say, because they wanted to have a fight and a riot. They also wanted to spread hate. This was a racist, Islamophobic demonstration. We cannot have a repeat of that.

“My worry is some of the people allowed to march from City Hall down through my constituency towards the Belfast Islamic Centre and through the Holyland and Botanic area… I worry some of them will feel emboldened. They will feel they have had the opportunity to do that once and they may want to do that again.

“It has to be policed properly.”

Meanwhile loyalist activist Jamie Bryson told the programme people should “stay away” from any further protest taking place in Belfast later this week.

“I saw some stuff on social media with people calling for another protest at Belfast city hall and were calling on people to turn up in masks and that type of thing,” he said.

“People should stay away from that and young loyalists in particular should not be whipped up by these people who are bad actors.”