A former Avon & Somerset police officer allegedly sent offensive or derogatory messages in a WhatsApp group. Ex-PC Benjamin Kirk faces a misconduct hearing at force headquarters in Portishead on Monday, August 5.

The constable, who was based in Bridgwater but has since left the constabulary, is also accused of failing to challenge posts by others in the group.

A publicity notice for the hearing on the police website said: “It is alleged PC Kirk has breached the standards of professional behaviour for police officers, specifically the standards of: equality & diversity, authority, respect & courtesy, challenging and reporting improper behaviour, and discreditable conduct.

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“The alleged facts are: Between 2020-21, former PC Kirk participated in a WhatsApp group and sent messages of an offensive and/or derogatory nature. Between 2020-21, former PC Kirk remained in a WhatsApp group and failed to challenge any messages of an offensive and/or derogatory nature.

“It is contended that (if proven) the allegations amount to gross misconduct.” The public hearing before a panel led by a Legally Qualified Chair, who is independent of policing, is set to last four days.