A man who tipped the scales at 140kg and would “sweat buckets” doing simple tasks like mowing the lawn has shed an impressive amount of weight, dropping to 86kg and is now “enjoying life more”, admitting he barely recognises his own reflection.

Ben Keatley, a 37-year-old quality assurance engineer from Swindon, didn’t realise the extent of his weight and fitness issues until he found himself “exhausted” after just five minutes of a football game in September 2021.

Standing at 170cm tall, Ben continued to play weekly football games with Man V Fat a football group for men aiming to lose weight and made healthier choices in his diet, leading him to lose around 10% of his body weight within a year.

Despite a knee injury setback in early 2023 causing him to regain some weight, Ben bounced back by upping his training to three times a week, eventually losing around 35% of his total body weight.

He’s now gone from wearing size XXXL to a medium and admits “it’s a good but strange feeling” as he still can’t quite grasp the magnitude of his weight loss.

“I have so much more energy to spend quality time with the people I love, and I’m more engaged, more alert,” Ben shared with PA Real Life. “I’m actually enjoying life more.”

Ben’s weight gain began in 2020 during lockdown, when his sedentary work-from-home job led him to frequently raid the kitchen cupboards out of boredom.

Over time, he noticed that even simple chores became challenging just the thought of mowing the lawn required him to muster up energy for an entire week.

He said: “It was stressful and uncomfortable, and would take me like half a day. I’d sweat buckets.”

Ben has gone from a size XXXL to a size M
Ben has gone from a size XXXL to a size M (Image: PA Real Life)

“It was a chore that needed to be done rather than something I was feeling good about doing because I was improving the garden and moving.”

At the time, Ben admits that he “did not realise” quite how unfit and overweight he was until he came across Man V Fat, a football group for men hoping to lose weight.

“I’m not really sure what the exact motivation was but I knew I was still eating just out of boredom and just as a thing to do,” he explained.

“That sort of impacted my dietary choices I could easily eat a large Domino’s pizza in one sitting, without even thinking.”

“I used to just eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it. When I told my wife about Man V Fat she gave nothing but support and said it sounded like a good idea.”

In the first session, in September 2021, Ben was shocked at how tiring he found it. He explained: “I was going out and playing with people in a like-minded group that were similar in size to me but I was absolutely exhausted.”

“I was done after about five minutes, I could barely move anymore. But I joined in and they all felt the same thing that bond helped all of us.”

“It was life-changing and having that community makes it so much easier.”

Ben committed himself to regular football training and healthier culinary choices. “As soon as I started losing some weight, I started realising how bad I let things get,” he said.

“I realised that if I was going to throw myself in the deep end and really try to lose some weight with exercise, I needed to change my diet.”

Ben has lost 35% of his body weight
Ben has lost 35% of his body weight (Image: PA Real Life)

He also sought sustainable changes: “If I ate nothing but lettuce and salad I was not going to stick with it so I made changes like having a Diet Coke instead of a Coke.”

After sticking with his regular football practice and a more sensible diet, Ben witnessed “slow and sustained progress”, shedding about 10% of his body mass and growing into a more self-assured individual within a year.

With newfound confidence, Ben contemplated gym membership, but an unfortunate knee injury at the beginning of 2023 hindered his mobility and caused a significant weight gain, leaving him “really deflated”. However, he kept receiving encouragement from his wife and companions at Man V Fat.

Recovering after half a year, Ben redoubled his efforts by hitting the gym thrice weekly and resuming his football routine with Man V Fat, resulting in an incredible loss of approximately 35% of his initial body weight from September 2021 to July 2024.

He shared: “Exercise has also just given me my own space, outside of work and spending time with my wife. It’s really helped improve my mental health and I genuinely enjoy it now.”

Ben, now lighter at around 86.4kg, attributes his further weight loss progress to intermittent fasting. “I eat in a six-hour window so an afternoon snack and a sensible meal, which won’t be excessive, but it will be what I want.”

“I don’t know if it will work for everyone but it has been helpful for me.”

Ben is adjusting to life at a more comfortable size, especially enjoying the freedom of shopping for clothes off-the-rack. “I can remember my wife hugged me one day and said that I don’t feel like me, but she meant it in a good way,” he recalled the changes others have noticed.

“I still find it weird that I can buy clothes in a size medium for so long, I was holding on to my XXXL jeans and tops and wore them until they were ballooning out.”

He expresses that adapting to his new body has been a positive yet surreal experience. “It’s a good but strange feeling.”

Embracing his newfound confidence, he mentioned, “The other day I bought skinny jeans and before I would never have done that I would have worn baggier jeans to try to cover the size of my thighs but I feel more confident now.”

Ben’s lifestyle transformation extends beyond just his wardrobe.

“I used to avoid shopping, it’s weird, I’m getting to used to my reflection and I can now play football so much easier, without getting out of breath after five minutes! ” He confessed that sometimes he doesn’t quite recognise himself.

Offering advice to those looking to embark on their own weight loss journey, Ben advised, “Just do it and try your best it’s not always an easy road but it’s so worth it.”

For those seeking more information or support, he recommends visiting: www.manvfatfootball.org