It’s sad to see what is happening in Jasper. What will it take for the ‘right’ to admit the world has a planet overheating problem. They oppose the carbon tax, but we never hear what their solution is. Maybe this tragedy will finally mobilize the ‘right’ to some action. Their town could be next.

Steen I. Petersen
Nanaimo, B.C.

(You realize this was an issue with lack of forest management by Parks Canada who had been warned for years the pine beetle infestation left thousands of dead trees which dried up year after year and more fire prone)


The mainstream media, in both Canada and the United States, is lauding Joe Biden for stepping out of the presidential race, declaring such to be an act of great patriotism. That Biden was actually forced out by the Democratic Party power brokers certainly diminishes the praise due to Biden. Interestingly the media is gushing about the “great achievements” accomplished by the cognitively impaired president, without elucidating the details of such. Rather strange, indeed. Perhaps I can suggest what “monumental accomplishments” Biden really did achieve. (1) Biden has managed to promote and prolong a proxy war, in Ukraine, designed to degrade Russia’s military and bring about a regime change. This dismal failure has resulted in the senseless death of some 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers and a countless number of civilians. A horrendous tragedy. (2) Biden has brilliantly managed to enrich, empower and embolden Iran, strengthening an American adversary. (3) Some ten to fifteen million illegal immigrants have poured into the country, thanks to Biden’s globalist “open border policy.” The results of such are beyond devastating, both socially and economically. (4) Biden’s reckless spending has fueled inflation and raised the national debt exponentially. (5) The unscientific vaccine mandates imposed by Biden caused many people to lose their jobs and others to suffer devastating vaccine injuries. I could continue, but the point is: “What positive accomplishments has Joe Biden achieved?” I see nothing but negative consequences from his disastrous policies.

Harley Whitlock

(The Democrats’ friends in the media were fine to report on the internal machinations going on to take Biden off the ticket and once that happened suddenly he’s a hero. This is the same media that denigrated anyone who even mentioned Biden’s obvious cognitive decline)