The police officer filmed stamping on a man’s head in Manchester Airport is now under criminal investigation, the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) has said.

Video footage circulated online earlier this week which appeared to show the officer kicking and stamping on a man while he was being detained.

The incident sparked outrage online, with protests breaking out in Rochdale and Manchester in the aftermath.

The officer involved was consequently suspended and an investigation launched by the IOPC.

Manchester PoliceA Manchester Police officer was seen appearing to kick and stamp on the head of someone being detainedX / kashahmed77

In a statement this afternoon, IOPC Regional Director Catherine Bates confirmed that the probe had moved from a misconduct investigation to a criminal one.

She said: “We can confirm we are conducting a criminal investigation into the use of force during events which took place on 23 July at Manchester Airport.

“We are arranging to interview a police constable under criminal caution as soon as possible.

“I have today met one of the men who was involved and his family members to outline our investigation and we will continue to update them and Greater Manchester Police as our enquiries progress.

Control tower and terminal buildings at Manchester International AirportThe incident took place at Manchester Airport’s Terminal 2GETTY

“We will be speaking to the man involved in the second incident as soon as we can.

“The family has asked me to reiterate their call for peace and wish to stress that they do not condone any acts of violence as a result of this incident.

“We are meeting with a number of community leaders in Rochdale this afternoon to listen to their concerns and explain our role.

“Our investigation continues to gather relevant evidence and will be following a number of lines of enquiry. We will provide further updates when we are in a position to do so.”

The incident at Manchester AirportThe incident unfolded at Manchester AirportTWITTER

Greater Manchester Police claimed three officers had been assaulted in the incident, with a female constable suffering a broken nose.

Four men were also arrested following the altercation at Terminal 2.

Akhmed Yakoob, who is representing the family of one of the men involved in the altercation, provided an update about the condition of his client yesterday.

Speaking to reporters in Rochdale, Yakoob said: “His medical condition has worsened since last night. A CT scan has revealed there is a cyst on his brain.”