The sister of murdered Co Antrim woman Chloe Mitchell has launched a campaign to have the scene of her killing in Ballymena demolished.

Ms Mitchell (21) was murdered in June 2023. Her remains were discovered at a flat in the James Street area of the town eight days after she was reported missing.

Brandon John Rainey (27) has been charged with her murder.

Rainey, formerly of James Street, Ballymena, pleaded not guilty to charges of murder and attempting to prevent the lawful and decent burial of Ms Mitchell’s body during an appearance at Belfast Crown Court in May this year.

Chloe’s sister has now launched an online petition to have the flat in the town where she was killed demolished.

Nadine said the flat was causing distress to a number of family members who live close by.

“We have family members that live around the corner from the flat,” she told the Belfast Telegraph.

The James Street flat at the centre of the petition

“They have to walk past it. There’s a smell coming out of the flat. It’s horrific, it’s horrendous. The Housing Executive have said it will never be allocated out.

“We have started this petition and have also started handing out leaflets. A lot of councillors are supporting it, because they’re the same; they want it down too.

“The support around the town has been absolutely amazing; there are people even further afield, in Belfast supporting. It’s been unbelievable.

“My mum has not left the house since Chloe was murdered. Everything is still in Chloe’s room and she’ll go up there every day and sit.”

On the website, Nadine addressed her petition directly to Grainia Long, Chief Executive of the NI Housing Executive (NIHE).

“On June 3 2023, Chloe Mitchell was horrifically Murdered in a flat at 22 James Street, Harryville, Ballymena,” she wrote.

“Chloe had a heart of gold and would have helped anyone. Us as a family and the Ballymena community along with further afield need the flat demolished.

“What happened inside that flat was completely demonic. We have been told the flat would never be allocated.

“Family and friends who live nearby are haunted everyday by the events that occurred inside and around the flat.

Chloe Mitchell’s devastated parents George and Georgina. Pic: Aodhán Roberts/Sunday Life

“The family is asking for everyone’s support in signing this petition to get the flat demolished. It is causing a lot of distress to the family and community due to the horrific murder that happened within the flat.”

Launched around lunchtime on Tuesday, the petition has attracted almost 700 signatures so far.

The NIHE has been approached for comment.

It comes after Chloe’s family were left angered when a bouquet of flowers was stolen from a memorial to the 21-year-old in the town last week.

Following her death, her relatives launched a Justice for Chloe campaign, while a mural was also erected on a wall in Ballymena, her hometown, accompanied by a floral tribute.

After the flowers were stolen last week, her family launched an appeal on social media for their return.

According to the Justice for Chloe Mitchell Facebook page, the flowers were given back a short time later by someone who knew the thief.