During his maiden speech in the House of Commons, Nigel Farage called for a referendum on leaving the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

The Clacton MP said that the ECHR had “now completely outlived its usefulness”.

He said leaving the ECHR was the only way to actually stop small boat Channel crossings.

The Reform UK leader said: “We will only stop this if we start deporting people that come illegally.

“Then they won’t pay the smugglers. But we will only do that by leaving the ECHR.

“But I have got a fun suggestion that I think would liven up politics, engage the public and see a massively increased turnout.

“Why don’t we have a referendum on whether we continue to be members of the ECHR?”

He added that a “migrant a minute” was coming into the UK.

Nigel Farage maiden speech ParliamentNigel Farage delivered his maiden speech to the House of Commons earlier todayGB News

According to Farage, this means that the “sheer level of population means we have to build a new house every two minutes”.

He said that even if Labour delivered on its pledge to build 1.5 million new homes over the next five years it would make “no dent at all” to the housing crisis.

“The population crisis is the biggest impact affecting people’s lives, damaging their quality of life and virtually nobody in this place even wants to talk about it.”

With all that in mind, do you agree that we should have a referendum on our membership of the ECHR? Have your say.