Motorists have been slapped with an estimated £5.3 million in fines for ignoring one crucial rule on the road, according to charity IAM RoadSmart. The data reveals that drivers are disregarding the red X signs on ‘smart motorways’, indicating a lane closure, potentially leading to hazardous situations if a lane is closed due to a stranded vehicle.

Since 2021, over 53,000 drivers have been caught out by police enforcement cameras for not adhering to Red X signs. Each driver caught faces a £100 fine, marking a significant rise in motorists neglecting the signs, the charity highlighted.

IAM RoadSmart reported that in 2021, nine police forces were enforcing against Red X violations, catching 4,393 drivers. An additional eleven forces began prosecuting against this contravention in 2022, resulting in 20,773 motorists being snapped by cameras.

In 2023, a total of 21 forces utilised enforcement cameras to catch 28,231 drivers flouting the law. The Red X sign is typically used to close lanes on a smart motorway when an obstruction such as a broken-down vehicle is detected ahead.

These closed lanes are also employed by emergency services attending to those who may require immediate assistance at the incident site. Enforcement cameras automatically detect vehicles illegally passing under a Red X, which can result in a fixed penalty notice of up to £100 and three points or, in some cases, more severe penalties or a court appearance.

Independent road safety campaigner, Meera Naran MBE, who tragically lost her 8 year old son Dev in a smart motorway collision on the M6 in 2018, stated: “In an emergency, every second counts. The Red X provides a layer of safety for the public, emergency services, recovery operators, and road workers. An incident can occur on any lane of the motorway and lanes are closed for a number of reasons. When in operation and abided by, this could save a number of lives, including your own.”

Meera Naran, whose young son Dev tragically died in a smart motorway accident on the M6 near Birmingham in May 2018, emphasised: “In an emergency, every second counts. The red X provides a layer of safety for the public, emergency services, recovery operators and road workers.”

“An incident can occur on any lane of the motorway and lanes are closed for a number of reasons. When in operation and abided by, this could save a number of lives, including your own.”

Between 2021-23, Surrey Police topped the table with 11,360 drivers caught committing Red X offences along stretches of the M3, M23 and M25 the latter being Britain’s busiest motorway. Thames Valley Police had the second highest volume with 9,957 motorists being snapped by cameras over the same period.

Greater Manchester Police ranked third nationally for the highest number of intended prosecutions, targeting 6,120 drivers for Red X offences on motorways. Meanwhile, Bedfordshire Police only started enforcement in 2023, resulting in a mere 28 drivers being caught ignoring the Red X on the M1 in this county.

Nicholas Lyes, IAM RoadSmart’s Director of Policy and Standards, commented: “Ignoring a Red X sign on a smart motorway is dangerous because it risks a serious collision and for this reason, we welcome police forces clamping down on those who break the law.”

He further explained the importance of adhering to the signs: “If a lane is closed on smart motorway, it usually indicates there is either a stranded vehicle ahead, people are working in the road, or there has been a collision. Disobeying the sign puts the lives of those in the vehicle as well as those ahead in danger. If you see a Red X sign, you should slow down and move into an open lane when there is sufficient space to do so.”