A new study of eight Canadian provinces suggests that Manitoba has the best access to patient care in Canada with the average star rating of 3.28 based on 19 analyzed hospitals.

The law firm Preszler Injury Lawyers analyzed Google review ratings to come up with an average star rating for each province according to visitors. Each analyzed province must have had at least 10 hospitals reviewed by at least 25 people to be included.

Ontario ranked seventh with a 3.04 average rating based on 147 analyzed hospitals and New Brunswick ranked lowest, or eighth on the list, with an average star rating of 2.79, based on 15 hospitals.

“This ranking offers a fascinating insight into the variations of the public perception of hospital quality between provinces,” said a Preszler Law Firm spokesperson in a statement.

“Each hospital aims to provide high-quality healthcare that meets patients’ expectations and needs without compromising on adhering to national guidelines and budgets. However, it seems that some parts of the country are more successful in achieving this than others. If patients don’t feel adequately supported, some might avoid seeking medical assistance, which could have long-term implications both for individuals’ health and on the wider medical system.”

Average hospital ratings per province

1. Manitoba

2. British Columbia

3. Quebec

4. Saskatchewan

5. Alberta

6.  Nova Scotia

7. Ontario

8. New Brunswick