Colin McGrath has criticised another bout of vandalism in South Down as “disgraceful”.

It comes after ‘Up the Ra’ was scrawled on a fence.

The SDLP MLA said it is “disgraceful to see this graffiti in Dundrum for the second time in as many weeks”.

“There is no place in our society for this, and those responsible should be the ones cleaning it off,” he added.

“Unfortunately, as with history, someone else will probably clean up their mess.”

Police have been contacted for further details.

There have been increased reports of graffiti across Northern Ireland in recent weeks, including a spate properties in Antrim being daubed with racist iconography, including neo-Nazi Combat 18 references and swastikas.

The graffiti has appeared in a number of areas of the town including the Stiles estate, the Fountain Hill road and at the former Antrim cineplex.

Local MP Robin Swann condemned the graffiti.

“Overnight, combat 18 and swastika graffiti were daubed on properties in Antrim,” he said.

“The police have since confirmed that there have been five separate reports of graffiti on houses across Antrim. Those taking part in these acts want to cause fear or promote hatred and these racist attacks will not be tolerated in the Antrim community.

“Any house subject to racist graffiti in Northern Ireland is an insult to democracy.”