Over 800 British holidaymakers are taking legal action against travel firm TUI, following severe sickness at high end Cape Verde resorts. The claimants, who had envisioned perfect holidays, allege they were hospitalised with serious gastric illnesses, turning their dream vacations into “disasters”.

Numerous tourists, including children as young as six months, found their idyllic getaways to the sun-drenched islands marred by gastric issues. It is alleged that from 2022 to 2025, guests of all ages suffered intense health complications from E.coli, salmonella, and shigella infections.

Some of the affected individuals report ongoing “debilitating symptoms”. Legal action has been initiated on behalf of a total of 836 people against TUI, accusing the company of failing to protect its customers from numerous sanitary oversights. The holiday agency is accused of allowing the serving of undercooked food, improperly temperature-controlled dishes, and the recycling of leftovers for subsequent meals, as per the allegations made by the disgruntled travellers.

Complaints also surfaced regarding the presence of birds, ants, and flies near food preparation areas and buffets, as well as instances of undercooked meat being served. One holidaymaker recounted losing over four stone in weight after falling ill during a stay at the five-star Riu Palace Santa Maria resort between May 10 and May 25, 2022.

Nicky Morley, a 54-year-old writer from Paignton in Devon, shelled out upwards of £2,000 for what she hoped would be a luxurious escape with her significant other. Nicky has shared her suspicion that her illness came as a result of eating undercooked pork from the hotel’s poolside barbecue venue shortly after they arrived.

The troubles began soon afterwards when she was struck down with symptoms such as diarrhoea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps, which culminated in a hospital visit in Cape Verde where she received IV treatments and medications. Upon her release, Nicky returned to the resort and upon advice, stuck to a simpler diet opting for grilled chicken, but was dismayed to find it seemingly undercooked again.

Describing her ordeal, Nicky recounted the journey back home as “extremely uncomfortable”. Back on home turf, she consulted a GP who prescribed a course of antibiotics to help with her symptoms.

Even years since the trip Nicky claims she still suffers from diarrhoea, chronic pain, and nausea. The aftermath has seen her confined her to a highly restrictive diet.

She said: “Not for one minute did I ever expect to fall ill like I did. It’s just not something you anticipate in a five-star hotel, but the fact that I was served raw food more than once makes me suspect many others would have also been sick.” Moreover, Nicky criticised the resort’s hygiene standards, noting how flies and birds were commonplace around the dining area.

She raised concerns about observing chefs who weren’t wearing gloves or hairnets, flagging it up as a basic lapse in health and safety practices. She added: “Since the holiday, I’ve struggled to socialise or eat out with friends as I’m anxious about my bowel issues. My whole life has been affected.”

Dennie Barrett was among the more than 800 holidaymakers affected
Hundreds of tourists say they were left hospitalised as a result of gastric illnesses after their dream trips to Cape Verde turned into ‘holidays from hell’ (Image: SWNS)

Kelly Barrett, a mother from Carmarthenshire, Wales, is also considering legal action after her trip to Hotel Riu Funana in Sal turned into a nightmare. The family paid over £5,000 for a supposed dream 14-night holiday from November 22 to December 6, 2022, but things took a severe turn for the worse shortly after they arrived.

Her children Rowan and Dennie, now aged four and three, suffered from severe gastric symptoms mere days into their vacation. This ordeal included stomach cramps, diarrhoea, and vomiting so serious that both siblings required hospitalisation.

Rowan spent a night in the local hospital; Dennie was admitted soon after. The situation became dire enough to necessitate an emergency evacuation, airlifting the children to a hospital in Tenerife for further medical attention.

Even two years post-vacation, the children continue to suffer health implications related to the episode, enduring altered bowel habits and with Rowan developing an aversion to medical settings. During their stay, concerns were raised about hygiene at the resort, specifically regarding ants in the buffet area and questionable swimming pool maintenance marked by a surprising lack of chlorine scent in the water.

Kelly, aged 37, expressed her disappointment: “For weeks we’d researched where to go and looked at various options. We chose the resort as it looked like everything we wanted. We made sacrifices and saved hard for months to enjoy what we thought would be a special family holiday. However, the enthusiasm and excitement we had about our holiday quickly vanished.

“Seeing the children so poorly was absolutely awful. As a parent all we wanted to do was help and care for Rowan and Dennie, but we felt so powerless. Even after they got to hospital nothing changed. Getting airlifted just showed how serious it was, but it was such a relief getting off the island and Rowan and Dennie getting the help they needed.

“More than two years on the children still aren’t right and suffer with symptoms. The scary thing is we don’t know how long they may be affected.

“The holiday went from what we hoped would be a dream trip to a disaster. What’s even more concerning is that we appear not to be alone.

“I wish we’d never have booked the holiday, but I know I can’t turn the clock back. However, we deserve answers and because of TUI’s stance have been left with no choice but to get those in court.”

Dennie and Rowan in hospital
A few days into the holiday siblings Rowan and Dennie, now aged four and three, fell ill with gastric symptoms including stomach cramps, diarrhoea and vomiting (Image: SWNS)

Jatinder Paul, an expert international serious injury solicitor at Irwin Mitchell, which is representing the 836 tourists affected by illness, commented: “The number of people to have fallen seriously ill in Cape Verde over the past three years is truly staggering.

“Following investigations we’ve now issued proceedings in the High Court in several hundred cases and this number will continue to increase in the coming months if TUI refuse to engage with us.

“The effects of gastric illness can be very serious and should never be downplayed. As many of our cases demonstrate, they can result in life-changing complications and in some cases, even death.

“Nearly three years on, many of our clients for whom we’ve issued legal proceedings on behalf of continue to suffer from debilitating symptoms linked to their illness.

“While it’s too late for those we represent in terms of their holiday being ruined by such illness, we’re determined to provide them with the answers they deserve and where appropriate access to ongoing support and treatment they may require.

“Despite the seriousness of these cases, it is regrettable that TUI have failed to resolve these claims amicably. We call on TUI to work with us to resolve these cases as quickly as possible so that our clients can try and start to put the past behind them.”

The law firm stated that TUI has either expressly denied liability, or failed to respond, in all of the 836 cases. The hotels and the numbers of people being represented in the High Court are:

  • Riu Palace Boavista – 57 holidaymakers
  • Riu Palace Santa Maria – 300 holidaymakers
  • Riu Funana – 183 holidaymakers
  • Riu Cabo Verde: 105 holidaymakers
  • Riu Touareg: 25 holidaymakers
  • Melia Dunas – 70 holidaymakers
  • Sol Dunas, now called TUI Suneo Dunas – 64 holidaymakers
  • TUI Blue Cabo Verde – 32 holidaymakers.

TUI did not respond to a request for comment.