A dermatologist has issued a warning about a potential sign of a rare form of skin cancer that could show up on your fingernails.
Dr Leire Barrutia highlighted the importance of paying attention to our nails – as they can indicate various health conditions, including nutritional deficiencies. However, in a TikTok video, she specifically warned about a key symptom of a serious disease – nail melanoma.
This is characterised by a brown band appearing on your nail, which she stressed should always prompt a consultation with a dermatologist or doctor. The condition, known as longitudinal melanonychia, can manifest on both fingers and toes.
The expert said if a line appears on just one nail, it should raise particular concern. However, other marks can also appear on nails, such as white spots, or leukonychia, which are very common and generally harmless.
If you notice new marks on your nails, it’s recommended to seek advice from a dermatologist. Depending on the issue, whether it’s leukonychia or fungal infections like onychomycosis, different tests may be required.
What is nail melanoma?
Nail melanoma, also known as subungual melanoma, is a rare but serious type of skin cancer that occurs under the nail (subungual), in the nail matrix, or in the surrounding tissue. It develops from melanocytes, the pigment-producing cells in the skin, which can also exist in the nail bed.
It is important to get it diagnosed as early as possible. This is because the NHS says melanoma can spread to other areas of the body – so be sure to book an appointment with a GP if you have any concerns.
The primary treatment for nail melanoma is surgical removal (excision) of the affected tissue, which may include removing part or all of the nail or even the digit in severe cases.