A dangerous junction in South Bristol will be addressed in upcoming transport changes after getting flagged as a crash hotspot. Locals described the Bedminster junction of Luckwell Road and Winterstoke Road as ‘absolutely awful’ and Bristol City Council intends to make it safer.
Drivers often use Luckwell Road as a shortcut, when coming up West Street and turning right on Winterstoke Road, instead of going around the circuitous and confusing Parson Street gyratory. The Number 24 bus also traverses Winterstoke Road, crossing over from Luckwell Road on to South Liberty Lane. There are no traffic lights and right turns can be tricky and hazardous.
Changes will be explored as part of the South Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood project. This will follow a similar scheme in Barton Hill, Redfield and St George, with some roads blocked at one end to cut off through-traffic, which sparked controversy and protests blocking its installation.
The work is likely to take place in 2026 and early 2027. Reform of the Winterstoke junction, on the corner by the climbing gym, was brought up during a member forum meeting on Tuesday, March 11. Labour Councillor Emily Clarke, representing Bedminster, said: “To my mind it needs a pretty major overhaul.”
Earlier that day councillors were given a private briefing about the liveable neighbourhood plan. According to Green Cllr Ed Plowden, chair of the transport policy committee, the designs are still being worked up. He said: “There’s definitely an intention to do something about that. I can’t tell you exactly what it will look like at the moment.”
Multiple people who responded to a consultation on the South Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood flagged issues at the junction. Last year an interactive map let locals drop a pin anywhere in the project area, describing any traffic problems and potential solutions.
One respondent said: “Visibility when pulling out of the side roads is awful and pulling across into them is dangerous too, as the traffic continues to move quickly. As a pedestrian trying to cross Luckwell Road, you have to walk some way down to do it safely, as cars come off Winterstoke Road too quickly and can’t be seen. The whole junction needs a rethink.”
Another added: “This junction is an absolute nightmare and very unsafe. It’s a dual-lane at speed going both ways, cars trying to come out from both sides of the road and cross traffic, no filter lanes, no crossings for pedestrians, and god help the cyclists. It’s absolutely awful.”
Several crashes have happened at the junction in recent years, including in January earlier this year. And in 2020, a 34-year-old man from Knowle died on the scene after a car crash there. A few years ago Bristol Live readers also voted the junction as one of the 11 worst road junctions in the city.