An alleged auto theft ring that targeted vehicles parked at hotels in Oakville and Burlington has been busted.

Halton Regional Police announced Thursday that eight suspects — four from the Greater Toronto Area and four from Montreal — have been arrested and 92 charges laid in the investigation.

Police added that three suspects were out on prior forms of release for similar criminal offences.

Dubbed Project Mulligan, the probe began after police noticed an increase in high-end auto thefts from hotel parking lots throughout the fall of 2024.

Auto reprogramming kits and tools seized by police.
Auto reprogramming kits and tools seized by police.Photo by Handout /Halton Regional Police

In response, Halton’s organized crime unit began a coordinated investigation and identified a group of auto thieves that had been primarily operating within Halton and Peel Regions, police said.

Officers with Peel and York Regional Police also assisted the investigation, cops added.

During the investigation, police said detectives used several investigative techniques to identify areas where the stolen vehicles were left to “cool off.” Cops also identified locations where the vehicles were stored, loaded and transferred to various shipping points throughout the GTA and Montreal.

On Feb. 20, members of the organized crime unit, drug unit and street crime unit executed 10 search warrants on vehicles, storage facilities and residences across the GTA, cops said. Items seized included auto theft tools, reprogramming kits and a BMW that had its vehicle identification number altered.


Investigators believe the suspects were responsible for more than 75 vehicle thefts since September 2024.

Police said a total of 18 stolen vehicles have been located and recovered so far, with two found inside shipping containers at the Port of Montreal.

Luis Bello-Reyes, 29, of Etobicoke, is charged with 16 counts of possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000, 14 counts of theft of a motor vehicle, trafficking stolen property, possession of electronic device for the purpose of committing motor vehicle theft, possessing break and enter tools, and failing to comply with an undertaking.

Amir Habibzai, 25, of Mississauga, is charged with 11 counts of possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000, 10 counts of theft of a motor vehicle, trafficking stolen property, and failing to comply with an undertaking.

Furkan Ari, 22, of Toronto, is charged with seven counts of possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000 and six counts of theft of a motor vehicle.

Auto theft tools seized by police.
Auto theft tools seized by police.Photo by Handout /Halton Regional Police

Dmytro Aref’yev, 34, Yekta Isik, 30, Fatima Salame, 25, and Tanbir Islam, 28, all from Montreal, are charged with possession of property obtained by crime under $5,000, fraudulent use of a credit card, possession of instruments for forgery, possessing counterfeit mark, and possessing identity documents.

Islam is also accused of failing to comply while being on a release order.

Pierre Bytion, 30, of Toronto, is charged with failing to comply with an undertaking.

“The rise in incidents of auto theft and its related crimes is of utmost concern and remains a top priority of the Halton Regional Police Service,” Supt. Dave Stewart said in a statement.

“Auto thieves continue to incorporate a variety of techniques to commit these thefts while engaging in varying strategies to avoid detection and arrest. This most recent investigation is an example of our commitment to combatting these organized criminal elements and holding those responsible accountable.”

Police said Bello-Reyes and Habibzai have been denied bail and will remain in custody while they await trial.

Authorities are asking anyone with information about this investigation to call the organized crime unit at 905-825-4777 ext. 7006, submit tips anonymously to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or online at