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Basically, our appetite for elected officials at any level has declined and we find them at fault when things do not go as we want them to be and we make them a dart board. Our prime minister has been a good PM and I was glad to meet him in person and get his autograph. However, we the people find everything under the sun, including the sun, to blame and we do it. Being a politician at any level is a dangerous occupation and I, for one, appreciate them for putting up with downright ugly criticism, and I thank them.
Anant Nagpur Ottawa
(Let us know how much you get for his autograph)
In 2016, an elderly American told a TV reporter he did not want to talk politics. When pressed for his reason, the man articulated his disgust by calmly saying the presidential campaign was for pigs. His comment reminded me of George Orwell’s book, Animal Farm, in which one of the governing pigs in their newly created ‘Farm Animal Co-operative’ justifies his luxurious entitlements by saying, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Orwell wrote his satirical novella in 1945 to draw attention to how the Russian Revolution had been transformed by Joseph Stalin into a brutal, dangerous, dictatorial regime. Following the misery and destruction of the Second World War, Orwell’s dire prophecy was not a message the British establishment wanted to hear. Elections are indeed for the pigs — for people who are more interested in enhancing their own “entitlements” than in their country’s future well-being. The fact that Donald Trump, a despicable, egotistical liar has such a large following only shows how angry and frustrated ordinary people have become with greedy, grasping, self-serving leaders.
Lloyd Atkins Vernon, B.C.
(Trump is a trough act to follow)