Establishing a consistent sleep schedule is crucial, particularly for those who find it challenging to drift off at night -but what does this mean for your bedtime?
If you’re a night owl who enjoys late-night Netflix binges, it might be time for a change. Weight loss coach Mounir Lazzouni emphasised that “your bedtime massively impacts your quality of sleep and, therefore, your quality of life”.
The NHS advises adults to aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. However, the required amount of sleep can vary based on factors such as age, health, and individual circumstances.
But according to Mounir, we should all be in bed by 10pm. But not just in bed – properly asleep.
“Always go to sleep by 10pm,” he advised. “Why? Do you ever wonder why some nights you toss and turn versus other nights where you’re able to sleep through and get a good quality sleep? Well, it turns out it does have a lot to do with the timing of your sleep,” Mounir elaborated.
He explained that the period between 10pm and 2am is the “most optimal time to be asleep because your body increases its melatonin and growth hormone production”.
He highlighted that growth hormone production is vital for “collagen production, healthy metabolism, and anti-ageing benefits”.
As per the Cleveland Clinic, “Melatonin is a natural hormone that’s mainly produced by your pineal gland in your brain. It plays a role in managing your sleep-wake cycle and circadian rhythm.”
They also highlight that “Circadian rhythms are physical, mental and behavioural changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. The most important and well-known of these circadian rhythms is your sleep-wake cycle. These natural processes respond primarily to light and dark”.
Mounir pointed out that your “body naturally produces it when your sleep is optimised,” recounting his own struggles with poor sleep in the post’s caption.
He revealed that he was “getting by on five and a half hours sleep,” emphasising that the operative term is “getting by”. “I was bloated all the time, tired, lethargic, over-reliant on caffeine, I had puffy eyes and bad moods,” he disclosed.
Therefore, he implores everyone to “solve your sleep before it’s too late”. He elaborates: “When you fix your sleep, your cortisol (stress hormone) goes down, and your digestion, skin quality, and energy levels all dramatically improve. So get to bed on time and stop wasting time”.
The Sleep Foundation advises that: “A regular sleep and wake routine helps the body keep a consistent internal clock”. Sleep experts recommend going to bed and getting up at the same time each day, including weekends.
They also outline the main advantages of securing a good night’s rest:
- Improved mood
- Healthy heart
- Regulated blood sugar
- Improved mental function
- Restored immune system
- Stress relief
- Athletic function
- Maintaining a healthy weight
Should you find yourself persistently battling with sleep issues, it’s advisable to consult your GP.