Lorraine Kelly was forced to take back the reins of her self-titled show after suffering an on-air technical issue and one guest failing to show up on live TV.

In his usual fashion, Andi Peters appeared on screen to talk to ITV viewers about the competition he had coming up when things didn’t quite go to plan.

He was hoping to be joined by a former winner called Cheryl but as he summoned the lucky person she failed to appear on screens as had been planned.

Andi said: “And here we have former winner Cheryl,” before realising something was amiss. Adding: “Actually we don’t have Cheryl, she’s gone to lunch,” chuckled the TV star as Lorraine stepped in.

Unable to withhold her giggles, Lorraine jested with Andi that Cheryl had probably had a better offer.

Lorraine Kelly
Lorraine guest fails to show up on-air

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