A man who made a simple, cost-free adjustment to his daily routine for a month has revealed the surprising health benefits it had on his health within a month.

The NHS recommends that we should all be consuming between six to eight glasses of water each day, which equates to about 1.5 to 2.5 litres. But what exactly are the health perks of keeping well-hydrated?

One self-proclaimed “health geek” decided to put this to the test, embarking on a 30-day hydration challenge to see the effects on his body. Sharing his journey on TikTok, user Mr Health Guy humorously noted that the first thing you’ll notice is you’ll start to “pee like a racehorse” – but according to him, that’s a positive sign.

“It means your body is flushing out nasty toxins and excess sodium,” he clarified. Mr Health Guy went on to say that he felt less bloated and his digestion improved significantly after making the change.

“You’ll also start to feel more alert – your body is essentially rebooting itself at this point,” he enthused. And Mr Health Guy continued, asserting that by the second week, your “skin will start to feel much clearer” with “fewer frown lines on your face.”

“You see, water really is like free Botox,” he quipped. “Your body is now experiencing better circulation, meaning your skin cells are getting more oxygen and rehydration.” By the third week, the “fat burning and energy boosting” benefits begin to manifest, according to Mr Health Guy. “Your metabolism is now operating at a faster pace, meaning no more brain fog,” he reported.

In his closing remarks, he enthused that by the fourth week of proper hydration, individuals would feel like a “completely different person” with “skin glowing, energy through the roof and A+ digestion”. TikTok users have been quick to confirm the benefits, with one commenting: “My skin is looking much better.”

Another revealed: “I’ve been drinking around 2.5 litres of water every day, my skin is looking good. I’ve started adding electrolytes to my water n has massively improved my energy levels.” A long-time advocate shared: “Been doing this for decades now and it’s so beneficial for when you get older.”

Meanwhile, a fourth person admitted: “So I’ve drank several cans of Monster [high caffeine content energy drink] every day religiously since I was like 15. I’m 31, however, for lent I kicked Monster and switched to water.”

Backing up the advice, the NHS advises: “Water makes up around 60% of your entire body and is vital for staying healthy.”

The benefits of hydration:

  • Aids with digestion

  • Prevents urinary tract infections

  • Increases wound healing

  • Boosts your general health

  • Improves brain function

  • Maintains a healthy heart

  • Lubricates joints

  • Removes toxins