One of the most surprising things about the male-only Westbury-on-Trym Men’s Club might be the fact it was actually set up by a woman.
The club on the junction of Stoke Lane and Canford Lane was founded in 1897 by Mrs Heyworth as a memorial to her late brothers, who previously purchased the land on which the club stands.
Although Mrs Heyworth passed away before the current building could be built, it was held in trust as a social meeting place for the men of Westbury-on-Trym to play billiards, whist, cribbage and darts after the Depression of the 1890s.
After celebrating its 125th anniversary in 2022, the club remains a place where members can meet up to enjoy Sky and BT Sports, two full-size snooker tables and cut-price drinks.
As a nod to its long history, there’s still a cribbage competition at the club, which has around 270 members.
After a declining numbers in recent years, membership is now increasing year-on-year and has grown by over 20 per cent in the last three years despite the pandemic.
Although members tend to live locally, some keep their membership going after moving away from the area, many maintaining their membership simply due to the long family ties they have with the club through their fathers and grandfathers.
Following the provisional membership period, the Club Secretary will invite a provisional member to become a full member.

Once someone has become a full member, they are entitled to bring in up to three guests at a time – they are signed into the guest book and pay an entry charge.
After 125 years, the club is still men-only, as are the staff – something that might raise a few eyebrows but the club’s committee representatives, including long-time members Martin Husk, John Payne, Mel Brooks, Dave Baynton and Jeff Fuge – are quick to explain why.
“Women do visit us at points during the year during our open days, but they tend to be wives and partners of members who are intrigued to see where their other halves disappear off too – especially when it is called a Men’s Club.
“Wives and partners of members are also welcome on Remembrance Sunday, and they have been known to use the club when they are invited to join their husbands and partners before trips to the rugby, football, and horse racing.”
Craig Smith, another member of the club’s management committee, says the club remains true to its traditions by staying male-only and there are no plans to change it.
“We have a female-only gym directly opposite the club so our members – who own the club – deem it not to be in the club’s interest to change that stance as it would fundamentally change the club and its locally unique offerings to the existing membership.
“Also, due to the building being in a Conservation Area, and the existing layout prohibiting adaptation, the addition of a secondary toilet area for females would also be impractical.”
Women allowed three times a year
Craig says that pre-Covid, the club has allowed access to females and children on three occasions in the year, to look around and have a cup of tea or coffee (licensing prohibits supply of alcohol to anyone other than members or guests).
“One of these female visits is a two-hour period in the morning prior to the usual opening on National Open Doors Day.
“The same is offered on the morning of the Westbury-on-Trym Christmas market. The other is on Remembrance Sunday when a number of members’ wives and children join their husbands/fathers/grandfathers to take advantage of the lofted view of the service at The War Memorial.”
And Craig says that when women are allowed inside the club, they are surprised by their findings – and that even includes his own wife.
“On these occasions, we have found the female visitors intrigued about the club rather than opposed to its men-only basis.
“Some comments made include, ‘it’s cleaner than I thought it would be’ or ‘well it’s quite nice but I don’t know what all the fuss is about’.
“When I first joined the club, my wife did not like the fact it was male-only, believing it to be an antiquated, sexist notion.
“However, she then became pleased that I drank at the club rather than in other pubs as it was a safe environment.
“As well as cheaper than pubs, there were also no women present to fraternise – or worse – which made her feel more reassured!”

The benefits to members are varied, whether it’s the ‘championship standard’ snooker tables, two televisions for live sport, annual golf day at Henbury Golf Club or subsidised trips to Ashton Gate to see both Bristol City and Bristol Bears, as well as brewery tours and trips to the races.
Craig says: “The club offers its members a place to meet, drink and socialise in the form of conversation, snooker and darts or by watching live sporting events.
“It offers a safe environment for our members, including some elderly members, who find solace and companionship in the club in later years following being widowed.
“Historically, the membership tended to range from 40 to 99 – we have had three members make that age – but recently we have seen younger members join with the draw of the snooker tables, cheaper prices and live sports being the main factor.”
The club is run on a not-for-profit basis, so drinks are cheaper than most establishments in the area, with typical prices for beer, lager and cider ranging from £3.20 to £4 a pint. Its website and social media channels have also helped attract new members.
“Nowadays, whilst our average age is closer to 45 to 50, an increased number of members are joining in the 20 to 45 age bracket, and we believe that is because we are offering what they want.
“It’s imperative for the long-term future of the club that we continue to evolve and provide our members with an offer that they want. Our growth of members over the last three years, over a period of uncertainty during the pandemic, suggests we are doing something right.
“Although our members like going to local pubs with their families, they like the club because of the familiarity. It’s like the 1980s sitcom Cheers – everybody knows your name and people like that.”
* This article was first published in 2022