Martin Lewis has four words to anyone who has already booked a holiday abroad but not sorted a crucial part of their trip – ‘do it right now’.
The renowned money saving expert has issued a stern warning to those planning to jet off for their holidays this year. He strongly advises holidaymakers to secure travel insurance ‘ASAB’ – as soon as the holiday is booked.
During his Martin Lewis Money Show Live on Tuesday, March 4, he passionately appealed to those who have arranged a trip abroad in 2025. During the ITV show, he said: “Most people book their holidays for the summer in January and February, especially most families.
“The key thing to understand – travel insurance is not just to cover you while you’re away. It’s also very important to cover you in case something happens before you go that stops you going.
“So I have a rule – you should get your travel insurance ASAB – as soon as you book.” But he iterated the importance of making sure travel insurance is sorted ‘now’ if it isn’t already.
He added: “But right now, many people have already booked. If you don’t have your travel insurance and your holiday’s booked, do it right now.”
Martin illustrated his point with two examples where tourists required assistance due to being unable to proceed with their holiday because of health issues. However, without travel insurance, he lamented his inability to help those forced to cancel their trips.
He emphasised: “Do not get your travel insurance the day before you go. You get your travel insurance ASAB.”
He concluded by saying: “Very simply, just think about it for a second. If you bought a tennis racket and you break your arm you can’t say to them “I want a refund because my arm’s broken”.
“The tennis racket still works. The flight still works, the hotel still works, it’s not them that’s got the problem; it’s you.”