Experts have shared a type of food people should eat more of if they want to reduce their risk of developing bowel cancer. According to Cancer Research UK, there are around 44,100 new bowel cancer cases every year, making it the fourth most common type of cancer in the UK.
However, it is the second most common cause of cancer death in the UK, accounting for 10 percent of all cancer deaths. And worryingly, the disease is rising more rapidly among young people than other age groups, with 20 percent of diagnoses in 2019 in patients under age 55, about double the rate in 1995.
While the cause for this increase is not yet fully understood, experts believe it may be due to factors such as overweight and obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and consuming ultra-processed foods. Cancer Research advice suggests eating a healthy, balance diet can help keep bowel cancer at bay – as can eating more of one thing: fibre.
Experts say: “Eating lots of fibre reduces your risk of bowel cancer. Eating too little fibre causes 28 in 100 bowel cancers (28%) in the UK. You can boost the fibre in your diet by choosing wholegrain versions of foods.”
To get more fibre in your diet, guidance continues, you could try making simple food swaps, such as switching to wholegrain rice, pasta or bread, eating popcorn instead of crisps, and opting for wholegrain cereals. You should also eat more fruit and vegetables high in fibre, such as peas and raspberries.