Firmus Energy, Northern Ireland’s largest supplier of natural gas, has announced a price cut.
The company said that from April 1 it will be slashing domestic tariffs for customers in the Ten Towns Network Area by 11.84%.
It will save customers in the area on average £136 a year.
The area includes Antrim, Armagh, Ballymena, Ballymoney, Banbridge, Coleraine, Craigavon (including Lurgan and Portadown), Limavady, Londonderry, Newry and more than 25 other towns and villages in the surrounding areas. The company also said it “intends to bring further competition to the Greater Belfast Market” and that announcement would follow.
The price cut follows a review of regulated gas tariffs by the Utility Regulator.
Announced in January 2025 the review looked at tariffs for domestic and small business customers of Firmus Energy and SSE Airtricity Gas.
Colin Broomfield, Director of Markets at the Utility Regulator said: “Following our analysis, we have determined that Firmus Energy’s regulated tariff will decrease by 11.84%, and there will be no change to SSE Airtricity Gas Supply’s regulated tariff.
“Firmus Energy’s decrease of 11.84%, or £136 per year, will come into effect from 1 April 2025.” Mr Broomfield said the decrease means NI customers will receive a greater discount than their GB or ROI counterparts.
“Following the conclusion of our review of the gas tariffs, the combined regulated gas and electricity tariffs in Northern Ireland will be lower than the Price Cap in Great Britain and Republic of Ireland combined tariffs, from 1 April 2025.
“Power NI’s regulated tariff was reviewed in October 2024 and a 4% increase came into effect on 1 December 2024.
“When the Firmus Energy tariff was set in April 2024, this included an allowance to recover higher than forecast wholesale gas costs from the previous tariff period.”
Mr Bloomfield added that the company has now recovered these costs and therefore a tariff reduction was possible.
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“It is important to note that the wholesale energy market continues to be volatile,” he added.
“We will continue to monitor the regulated suppliers’ tariffs to ensure that regulated tariffs reflect the actual cost of providing gas and electricity to consumers.” However, Mr Bloomfield recognises energy costs are still expensive for many customers.
“We do recognise that many households and businesses are still struggling with their energy costs. “If you are worried about paying for your electricity or gas, we would encourage you to contact your supplier in the first instance, to make them aware of your circumstances, and discuss the options available.
“In addition, there are a number of agencies who can provide free and independent advice to households, including Advice NI, Christians Against Poverty, the Consumer Council and Money and Pensions Service’s MoneyHelper.”
Reacting to the announcement, Raymond Gormley, Head of Energy Policy at the Consumer Council said: “This gas tariff decrease is very welcome news but gas wholesale markets still remain very volatile due to various factors.
“We have worked closely with the Utility Regulator and regulated supply companies over the past few years on providing additional support and protection for consumers facing high energy prices.”
“This work to support and protect consumers will continue,” he added.
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