In the fact-free world of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberals, their screw-ups are always someone else’s fault.

They have been in charge of the federal government during every single day of Donald Trump’s two terms as president, from Jan. 20, 2017, to Jan. 20, 2021, and now from Jan. 20, 2025, to the present.

That means they wear the current dismal state of Canada-U.S. relations and the start of an economically devastating tariff war with the U.S. on Tuesday.

It happened entirely on their watch.

In that context, their absurd attempts to link Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre to Trump — even Trump has said he’s “not a MAGA guy” — is just another Liberal roadside distraction.

Another attempt by the Liberals to escape responsibility for their abject failure to manage the most important relationship Canada has with any country on the planet.

Simply put, we are where we are because of Trudeau and the Liberals, who are about to crown Mark Carney as Trudeau’s replacement.

And what has Carney said about the record of the Trudeau Liberals?

He’s said they’ve overspent and overtaxed middle-class Canadians — the same things Poilievre and the Conservatives were saying long before Carney decided he wanted to be PM.

Carney said the Trudeau Liberals lost control of both federal deficits and total public debt — same as Poilievre and the Conservatives were saying long before Poilievre became party leader in September 2022, more than two years ago.

Carney said the federal civil service has become too bloated, the same thing Poilievre has been saying for months.

Carney said Canada needs to build more pipelines — or rather he said that outside Quebec, while in Quebec he says the opposite — unlike Poilievre, who has been saying we need to build more pipelines for years.

Carney said the Trudeau government lost control of the immigration file, mimicking Poilievre, who’s been making the same point for so long that even Trudeau himself finally had to admit it was a mistake to let in so many people so quickly.

But when Poilievre made the same point as Carney is today, months ago, Trudeau’s attack dogs accused him of racism.

Because in the make-believe world of the Trudeau Liberals, soon to be Carney Liberals, facts simply don’t matter.