Many of us grapple with getting sufficient sleep. Whether it’s due to late nights, excessive screen time before bed or stress-induced insomnia, a lack of sleep often leaves us feeling less than our best.

Sleep is vital for our overall health and insufficient sleep can have both immediate and long-term effects, including weight gain, a weakened immune system and deteriorating mental health. It’s generally recommended that we aim for seven to nine hours of sleep per night.

There are numerous strategies to improve sleep quality, such as maintaining a consistent routine and avoiding mobile phone use before bedtime. However, there’s a lesser-known tip involving a fruit that’s readily available in supermarkets and has a long shelf life.

This fruit could potentially aid sleep due to its high magnesium content. Some studies suggest a correlation between magnesium intake and improved sleep quality. One research team concluded that their study indicated a link between higher magnesium consumption and better sleep, reports Surrey Live. However, the evidence isn’t particularly robust, and further research is needed to confirm these findings. Healthline suggests that magnesium can promote sleep and relaxation by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for calming and relaxing you, and by regulating the hormone melatonin, which controls your body’s sleep-wake cycle.

Which fruit is rich in magnesium?

Dried figs are especially high in magnesium. A cup of this fruit (approximately 200 grams) provides 101 milligrams of magnesium, equating to about 24% of the recommended daily intake, according to the website Health. Figs also boast polyphenols and antioxidants, which help protect against cellular damage and inflammation, thereby defending against chronic diseases. However, figs aren’t the only fruit that can boost your magnesium levels.

A serving of prickly pear offers around 30% of the recommended daily intake, while passion fruit and jackfruit provide about 16%, and avocado 10%.

Why is magnesium vital for your health?

Besides potentially aiding sleep, magnesium is essential for overall health. Every cell and organ in your body requires it to function correctly. It contributes to bone health, as well as proper brain, heart, and muscle function.

What other foods are high in magnesium?

These include pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, almonds, spinach, cashews, peanuts, and black, edamame, or kidney beans.