Joe Warmington, another good column (“Bonnie crumbles,” Feb. 28). It’s pretty simple, Ford and his team developed smart politics and a strong, focused campaign. While Bonnie Crombie mumbled and bumbled her way through her campaign, there was no strategic plan, no concept of reading the votes. “I’m committed to you” … well, Bonnie, the voters of Mississauga East-Cooksville and the province of Ontario aren’t committed to you, your party, or your endorsement of Mark Carney. The only thing Bonnie is committed to is her potential paycheque. Bonnie, you had well over a year to develop a strategy and you did nothing, created nothing, and those efforts got your campaign nothing. Maybe you can hold the door open for Trudeau when he leaves.

Michael McNutt

(We have to wonder if she regrets giving up her job as mayor based on the election results. But Crombie did see her Liberal party reclaim party status)


Bonnie Crombie’s whole campaign message continually referenced Doug Ford. A cardinal marketing mistake of not constantly referencing the competition. Tell us what you will do for the people. Watching her speech then lowered my opinion of her even more – she did not have the class and decency to congratulate Doug Ford. No wonder she couldn’t even win her seat in the legislature.

J. Hoyda

(It was an odd campaign strategy to repeatedly challenge Ford to a feat of strength)


It is the end of the line and the last stages of Bonnie Crombie’s political career. No one is fooled by the former mayor’s empty promises of cutting taxes. As mayor she made life more difficult for residents, raising taxes four times. She preaches abdication of responsibility by Doug Ford, yet she did just the same when she abandoned her post as Mississauga’s mayor. Crombie is not going to make life easier for anyone but herself. So long, Bonnie! We won’t miss you.

Jack Fowler

(She has said she will stay on as leader with no seat – sometimes that doesn’t work out so well)