Having a child move up to secondary school is a big milestone for your whole family.

It’s an exciting time, but it’s completely normal to feel a bit anxious too – a survey said 66% of parents are worried about their child starting secondary school.

That’s where Bristol’s Family Hubs come in.

They offer a one-stop solution for all your needs during your child’s transition to secondary school. Whether you’re in need of advice, information or activities, the service provides a wealth of tools to help families navigate this phase with confidence.

Secondary school can feel like a huge change for children but Bristol City Council wants to make it easier (Image: Getty Images)

Councillor Christine Townsend, chair of the children and young people committee, said: “We know that parents get worried about many things as their children prepare to start secondary school, will they make friends, will they be happy, will it be too much work?

“Most children start to feel nervous as well – a survey found 62% suffer from feelings of anxiety at the start of a new school year – but there are things you can do in your family to try and make this transition positive and exciting for everyone.

“We have pulled together all the best digital resources that are designed to support not just your child, but your whole family through this new adventure.”

Bristol’s Family Hubs website is a one-stop shop

Children may need support with a range of thoughts and feelings about transition to a new school (Image: Getty Images)

The Family Hubs website has something for every family. It brings together all the resources and help that you might need to make a smooth transition to secondary school, this includes:

Online courses for teenagers: These online courses focus on brain development and understanding the changes that occur during adolescence. The aim is to help teenagers comprehend their own growth and development, which in turn can lead to better self-awareness and emotional regulation.

Topics include understanding emotions, coping with stress, and developing resilience.

Blogs: The website also features a series of blogs that offer insights for parents on how to talk to their children about the transition to secondary school and provides useful tips and strategies to make this transition smoother.

Topics include how to prepare your child for secondary school, how to help your children with their emotions and the top five tips for mobile phone and online safety.

Videos: Designed for adults and children to watch together, the videos help children feel more confident, less anxious and better equipped to cope with the changes associated with moving to secondary school.

The goal of these videos is not only to provide information, but also to support conversations between parents and children about their feelings and concerns.

The Bristol Family Hubs’ services extend beyond just digital help, support and activities can be accessed in-person at the Family Hubs sites across the city.

Visit the Bristol Family Hubs website to discover how you can support yourself and your child.