I believe there is a great injustice being done to the winner of the recent U.S. election. The actual winner is not being called by his anointed title and this should be corrected. Please refer to him as he is meant to be called: “Czar Donald Putin 2.0, President of the U.S and all countries and property I can conquer, steal or pillage.” His decisions since regaining the “office” and having his buddy Elon’s bankroll to make “The Donald and First Family for Life” prove he is the anointed one.

Steve Charbonneau                                                                                                                                   Horseshoe Valley

(Over 77 million Americans voted for him — hardly anointed)


I support Donald Trump and I am in complete agreement with him about making Canada the 51st state. I am a Republican and if Canada did become the 51st state, there is absolute zero chance that I would vote for a Democrat for president, House of Representatives and the Senate. Our political system is broken here and needs election reform. I support total independence from Britain, which means a new head of state and an end to the position of Governor General. Canada should either be the 51st state or a republic, or all the provinces and territories divided into smaller states. I support ending the Canadian dollar in favour of the U.S. dollar. I also support freedom of speech and the Second Amendment and undoing all the damage the Trudeau government caused with the COVID restrictions and other policies. I am a MAGA Republican. The Democrats are too far to the left. Canada would be a solid red state. I prefer to fly out of Buffalo over Toronto. Long overdue for Canada to join the U.S. We should have been part of the U.S. from the beginning.

Charles Hutton                                                                                                                                           London, Ont.

(Our country is facing many issues — but one thing can help turn things around is a new federal government committed to addressing the failures of the Trudeau Liberals)