To ace these quiz questions, you’ll need to be a bona fide Pokemon master.

Pokemon is one of the most cherished gaming franchises globally. It boasts a highly successful video game series, a colossal trading card game that has enthusiasts scrambling for coveted cards, and an anime series that has won millions of hearts. Today (February 27th) marks National Pokemon Day, a day when Pokemon aficionados worldwide unite to celebrate everything they adore about the franchise that revolutionised the gaming world.

It’s also an ideal opportunity to gauge your knowledge of Pokemon. Do you possess the skills to be a Pokemon master, or would you struggle to train your starter Pokemon sufficiently to navigate the tall grass leading out of your hometown? Pokedex Fillers on TikTok have crafted a devilishly challenging quiz designed to distinguish the true experts from the pretenders. You can check out the questions below.

The video explains that you should ideally take just eight seconds to answer each of the ten questions. If you watch the clip, the answer is revealed once the eight seconds elapse, so you do need to respond promptly. However, if you read the questions below and proceed to the answers afterwards, you can afford to take your time slightly.

Pokemon trivia quiz

  1. What two types were introduced in Pokemon Gold and Silver?
  2. A Max Repel prevents random encounters for how many steps?
  3. How many other forms does Rotom have? Only ones useable in battle, not the phone or PC.
  4. What Pokemon has the highest special defence stat?
  5. Which Pokemon is the signature Pokemon of Maxie, the Team Magma leader?
  6. What is the most common type in generation 1?
  7. How many ghost types are there in the generation 1 Pokedex?
  8. Which Pokemon is the third boss battle in Pokemon Legends Arceus?
  9. What is the name of the ability that only Bruxish has?
  10. What is the full name of N, the secondary antagonist in Pokemon Black and White?


  1. Dark and Steel
  2. 250
  3. Five (Heat Rotom, Wash Rotom, Frost Rotom, Fan Rotom, and Mow Rotom)
  4. Shuckle
  5. Camerupt
  6. Poison (33 Pokemon in generation 1 have this type)
  7. Three (Ghastly, Haunter, and Gengar)
  8. Arcanine
  9. Dazzling
  10. Natural Harmonia Gropius

The TikTok video surely provided a brain workout, as viewers shared varying scores in the comments section. Some boasted about managing to ace all 10 questions, while others humorously proclaimed their ‘Pokemon master’ status despite not getting any correct.

One participant revealed a hint of surprise with their performance, stating: “I got 6/10. I was shocked by the poison answer!” Another viewer noted their challenge: “I struggled with this. I’m not very knowledgeable with the games, more the anime.” And a third wrote: “The only one I got wrong was Bruxish, I’m so mad!”