The B.C. government announced on Wednesday it is overhauling its safe supply program to make sure prescribed medications are being used by the people they are intended for.

Health Minister Josie Osborne said the province knows people have benefited from prescribed alternatives such as hydromorphone, which were first introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“At the same time, we’ve heard concerns about these medications being diverted and ending up in the wrong hands,” she said.

Click to play video: 'B.C. Conservatives release leaked Ministry of Health presentation on safe supply'

Osbourne said in order to prevent this, the province is changing its take-home safe supply program to a witnessed model, so users will be watched by health professionals as they consume the drugs.

This requirement will be implemented immediately for new patients, Osbourne said.

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The province will work with clinicians to transition existing patients to witnessed consumption as soon as possible, while ensuring continuity of care.

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