Whoever it was at BAFTA who thought it was a good idea to bring back the detestable David Tenant for a second disastrous year needs to be kicked off the committee ASAP.

Last year’s show was so boring it was beaten in the ratings by Countryfile and Britain’s Got Talent . The ratings plummeted from the previous year’s 3.8m to a paltry 3m .

So why did the BBC choose to bring back the woke, virtue signalling man partly responsible for that debacle and who brought the ratings down even more this year.

It begs the question – Is there someone in BBC Casting who said to themselves “So Tennant was horrendous last year, let’s bring him back and see if he can do any worse.”

And by God he did.

David Tennant

David Tennant’s BAFTA performance was vain and self-indulgent.

Getty Images

He pranced around for the first five minutes in his kilt singing “500 miles“ embarrassing various “stars” in the audience as he went. He then told a series of lame jokes which weren’t the vaguest bit funny but which he laughed at uproariously presumably to encourage people in the audience to do the same.

And call me old fashioned but I just don’t trust a bloke who feels the need for THREE lavish costumes changes in one two hour show – each outfit more outlandish and ridiculous than the last.

It didn’t just feel vain and self-indulgent it screamed “Look at me.”

And it’s just as well Tennant does love himself because after Sunday’s performance at this showbiz snoozefest I’m not sure the British public are loving him much.

Aren’t presenters of big starry shows like the BAFTAS supposed to be funny? Well Tennant is the antithesis of funny. He’s cringe making.

Fifteen minutes in there was a voice inside my head screaming “Make it stop. For God’s sake make it stop.”

And I think there were millions throughout the country who were hearing the same voice because they did make it stop – by switching channels.

Donald Trump

Some of David Tennant’s jokes about Donald Trump were so offensive they had to be edited out.

Getty Images

Why is the BBC intent on force – feeding the paying public this woke, self -congratulatory, narcissistic drivel. No-one cares about the BAFTA’s any more. We’re sick to the back teeth of award ceremonies where up-yer-bum actors preach to us about their causes, tell us what we should do, how we should live.

Don’t they – and the BBC – get it? We don’t want to hear a load of rich Leftie luvvies dressed up in borrowed frocks (and suits) telling the rest of us how to live. And we certainly don’t want to be preached at by David Tennant who is so out of touch with the British people and what they think – it’s actually insulting.

Did he really think that telling crass jokes about Donald Trump would go down well? Maybe it did with the luvvies in the audience but not with the viewing public the majority of whom were thinking “How dare he.” And notice that while he was happy to slate Right wing Trump (some of his jokes were so insulting they had to be edited out) he had absolutely nothing to say about our disastrous Labour government. Funny that.

I still haven’t forgiven him for what he said about Kemi Badenoch at an LGBT awards gig last year. He was picking up his gong for ‘best celebrity ally’ and thought it would be good fun to slate the then Equalities Minister for daring to raise questions about trans ideology and its impact on women’s sex-based rights.

Tennant talked about a glorious future where we’d all wake up and “Kemi Badenoch just doesn’t exist. And then he spat out: “I just wish she’d shut up.”

So, there was the celebrity Lefty at an LGBTQ gathering telling the strong black woman sticking up for the rights of all women to shut her gob and go away.

How very progressive of him.

Cast of BAFTA winning film Conclave.

The only shining light of the ceremony was Conclave winning best film.

Getty Images

But that’s all I see when I look at Tennant now – a hypocrite, a fake, a man who shapes his views to fit the vacuous , egocentric, celebrity world in which he moves.

But back to the awful show itself. By the end I had two thoughts.

First, Thank God Conclave won the best movie. It is a tremendous film as opposed to most of the others nominated which I’d barely heard of and won’t go to see.

And Second, why the Hell did the BBC kick Call the Midwife off the Schedule to put on this narcissistic Luvvie Fest (CTM gets 4M viewers).

These days the BAFTAS is made for and enjoyed only by those taking part.

And if anything proves how out of touch the BBC is with its audiences it’s THIS show and the woke wet man they chose to present it.

Where’s the Daleks when you need them? They could have sorted them all out with just one croaky cry of “Exterminate, Exterminate…”