A closure order has been placed on a flat in Bristol. Local residents complained about anti-social behaviour and drug dealing at the St Phillips residence, resulting in a ‘crack house’ closure order being approved.

The order is set to last three-months and was granted by the courts following multiple complaints from neighbours. Bristol Neighbourhood Policing, posting about the order on social media and said residents noted anti-social behaviour, drug dealing and Class A drug use out in the open.

Bristol Neighbourhood Policing said: “Great news for St Phillips residents. A three-month “Crack House” closure has been granted by the courts after numerous complaints about antisocial behaviour, drug dealing, and open Class A drug use at a flat in our neighbourhood.

“This closure means local residents can finally return to normal and enjoy a safer community.”

Closure orders can stop access to all or part of a premises for up to three months. The ban can include everyone – including residents of the property – or just specified people, and can be in place all the time or just specified times through the day. An extension can be granted for an additional three-months up to six-months.