Selecting the perfect baby name is no easy feat, particularly when you’re thinking about baby number two.

With so many aspects to weigh in on whilst picking a moniker – potential nicknames, how well it gels with the family surname, and the resulting initials to avoid an unfortunate combination – naming your newborn is already quite the task. However, for parents expecting their second or third child, there’s an additional element to mull over: Does the new name complement those of the existing children?

This problem is exactly what one mum faced when she stumbled upon what she believed was the “cutest baby name in the world”. Already a mother to a little girl named Ruby, she loved the idea of calling her potential second daughter by this newly found name until her relatives pointed out that the names sounded somewhat peculiar together.

On TikTok, Lily Chapman, who owns the jewellery business Elizabeth Bay, shared how she discovered the name Tuesday while processing a customer’s order from the UK. Instantly enamoured with the name, she mentioned it to her fiancé as a serious prospect for their next child.

Her video revealed: “We got an order from the UK from a girl named Tuesday, which is the cutest name in the world. I was like, ‘That’s such a cute name; we should seriously consider naming our next daughter that’. Tuesday Sinclair is so cute!”

But her brother quickly pointed out that having daughters named Ruby and Tuesday might not be such a good idea. In the UK, the pair of names will likely evoke thoughts of the Rolling Stones song Ruby Tuesday, but that’s not the only connotation the names carry.

In the US, especially in the eastern states, Ruby Tuesday is also known as a restaurant chain famous for American cuisine and casual dining. Commenters highlighted it would be like naming two sons Frankie and Benny in Britain.

Lily admitted: “Apparently, that’s a restaurant. Which I do know, but I think of the song first. Do you think it’s crazy to name my next daughter Tuesday when my first daughter’s name is Ruby? Or is it kinda cute? Let me know your thoughts.”

Responses to her query were divided; some found the name “cute” while others felt it would be “weird” to call her daughter Tuesday. One commenter remarked: “My daughter is named Ruby, and her nickname has been Ruby Tuesday since before she was born. That being said, yes, I do think it would be weird.”

Another suggested: “Tuesday could be cute. Ruby and Tuesday is crazy.” A third shared: “I think of the song first, and I think it’s cute!”