A recent sleep study has revealed the best side to sleep on, with experts explaining the benefits of each side depending on individual health concerns. The study involved a group of healthy individuals and examined left and right-side sleeping patterns, as well as frequency of tossing and turning.

The study involved people wearing a flexible sensor system which was developed to monitor sleeping positions and turning frequency, and how it impacted sleep quality. This device, which includes a flexible angle sensor and a six-axis motion sensor, was tested on 13 healthy subjects over 15 nights, comprising seven males and six females.

Participants wore the device in conjunction with a wristband sleep monitor and completed sleep questionnaires. It was also noted that none of the participants had any sleep disorders.

Is the left or right side the best to sleep on?

The results showed that what position you like to sleep in affects the quality of your sleep. People who preferred lying on their right side are said to turn less frequently experience better sleep. The researchers noted that “subjects with a right-sided preference experienced the fewest awakenings.”

The study reads: “They performed more than 50 sleeping-position changes to ensure the accuracy of the monitoring device. Subjects slept in their beds for 8 h per night for 15 nights.

“The results show that the most critical influencing factors are sleeping-position preference and frequency of turning. Data analysis reveals that subjects with a preference for right-sided lying and a lower frequency of turning had better sleep quality.”

Which side should I sleep on to stop snoring?

The Sleep Foundation has revealed that whilst the side you sleep on is largely a matter of preference, either position can help reduce snoring and back pain. It can also lower the risk of sleep apnea and improve overall health.

So, if you’re looking to stop snoring, try to avoid sleeping on your back. The experts explain that when you sleep on your back, your tongue can easily fall back into your throat, creating an obstruction that can lead to snoring.

Sleeping on your side allows your airways to remain open, making snoring less likely. In fact, sleeping on the left side may be particularly beneficial for those who are pregnant or suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), as it improves blood flow between the heart, fetus, uterus, and kidneys, while relieving pressure on the liver.

Why is sleep important?

The study explains that whilst we all know sleep is crucial for our health and recovery to allow us to restart again the next day, a lack of sleep is “associated with a variety of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, incidental arterial calcification, and changes in inflammatory markers.

“Chronic sleep deprivation raises the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, obesity, and impaired glucose regulation, all of which impair judgment and cognition.”