Across the Pond, the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), headed by Elon Musk, has revealed in data, by enabling some disinfecting sunlight to reach festering corners of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), what most understood intuitively.
The culture wars are taxpayer-funded.
It shows that money went to places few Americans would ever have wanted their dollars to go.
What is true for USAID will also hold for much larger US government departments.
Free from real scrutiny, absent any consequences; deeply unpatriotic; the permanent and amoral taxpayer-funded class has become past master at hiding its pecuniary rapaciousness behind the suffering of the working man.
More specifically in the context of International Aid, author Jim Murphy described it best: “the Professional Managerial Class has perfected a system of moral blackmail through which they convert third world suffering into personal wealth and status”.
However, now at least we can see much more clearly the contours of the hitherto out-of-focus “They” taxpayers blamed over decades for the increasingly observable inverse relationship between skyrocketing costs of government and collapsing standards.
The “They” is them: The highly paid but verbiage spouting university chancellor, the International Aid Worker, the NGO CEO and her minions, the state funded charity worker, the advocate, the diversity hire, the bought-and-paid-for regulator, the police spokesperson, the Vicaress with purple hair and a nostril-ring, and last but not least, the human rights lawyer.
They stand together, forcing us to pay for their constant acts of aggression.
They rob the private sector working men of their dignity; patriots of their country and culture; free thinkers of their liberty, all the while working towards the expropriation of all expect themselves.
They must fall together.

Many in the United Kingdom would also welcome the ability to check under the rug of government departmental spending, writes Alex Story
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Many in the United Kingdom would also welcome the ability to check under the rug of government departmental spending, not leastthat of our International Development office.
The current Minister of which is Anneliese Dodds, a lady to the left of the fish fork.
A supporter of the socialist majority-of-minority concept, she supports sundry minority groups whether or not their ultimate aims are in full contradiction with one another so long as a short-term alliance holds long enough to intimidate the autochthonous majority into accepting policies that are deleterious to itself.
For instance, she is both a strong supporter of LGBTQ+ rights and the introduction of quasi-blasphemy laws into the UK by accepting the United Nation’s definition of “Islamophobia”, which asserts that the latter is rooted in racism, not on 1400 years of history or theological evidence (or both).
These two groups, to be clear, have little intellectual overlap and are deeply antagonistic to each other.
However, we can expect, when the time comes, to see that her ministry will also have contributed our hard-earned money to existential causes such as the advance of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE) in Serbia, transgender literature in Afghanistan or tourism in Libya.
And who knows, perhaps also, as USAID, to the funding of terrorist organisations?
When the data comes out, we won’t be surprised.
We now know, however, beyond much doubt that much of the egregious controversies we are forced to consume daily are manufactured.
Transgenderism, DIE, BLM, Just Stop Oil, the entire “offense taking” industrial complex, all of it is a scam.
It is nothing more than an intricate house of cards designed to expropriate those who slave beneath for the benefit of those who consume above – that superior cast of well-kept, pampered, unimpressive competition shy, second ratters in fake but well-paid sinecures.
In truth, there is no demand for the implementation of their fetishes.
Their weakness is simply that they can only keep going so long as they are out of our grasp.
That is why to them, democracy is populism and increasingly anathema.
On the positive side, beyond the expensively manufactured noise, we see a broad consensus in the blue skies of hope over the horizon: borders matter; burglary and shoplifting are crimes, not an element of social redistribution; national sovereignty preferable to international subjugation; our cultural inheritance sacrosanct.
Further, a proper country acts first in the interest of her people not on the intractable problems of others beyond our borders.
Our interests go from the personal and real to the distant and theoretical.
So, the family unit, built on the rock of man, wife and child, comes first.
It is then followed by the local.
In the still discernible and touching distance, the national comes into view.
It holds because we are bound together by language, history, culture and, most importantly, religion.
The international is secondary, while the global a fraud.
The negative aspect is that the permanently taxpayer-funded class is as destructive as it is parasitical.
Indeed, at its core, the culture war is nothing but a religious one.
It seeks permanently to pour the acid of hate on the old order to create a new prefabricated morality of consequence-free shamelessness.
This new cult says there is no truth other than what they believe at the time of saying.
They believe that the real world will bend to their delusions by changing behaviour, if enough of other people’s money is burnt in the process.
Man, to them, is God and truth a slogan.
It denies history, religion and culture. It is, by definition, deeply anti-human.
In thinking itself modern, it is in fact progressing the Western World towards pre-Christian paganism in which might is right, and in which they show themselves “willing to serve their gods” for their own “material benefits” as Saint Augustin wrote in City of God, his magnum opus.
Their gods (social sciences, economics, the climate, DIE, etc) see human beings as soulless abstractions, who are either good or bad depending on the political party or causes they support.
Betray your supposed class or cast and you will be branded a traitor to your group. The individual has no sovereignty. He only has value as the member of a revolutionary group. Outside of that, he has none.
JK Rowling, the author, is a good example. She betrayed her purpose. For standing up against the LGBT insanity, she was branded far-right overnight, although avowedly of the left herself.
From this perspective, perhaps unknowingly, they are deeply influenced by Marx.
In Das Kapital, the anti-Christian gospel of destruction, Marx writes, “I speak only of individuals insofar as they are personifications of economic categories, and representatives of special classes and interests”.
The views of Marx and the various Socialist Alternatives believers, who rooted for the Soviet Union until it collapsed, many of whom seamlessly metamorphosed from constant revolutionaries to human rights lawyers, have another important corollary: they destroy the love of one’s country.
Not convinced?
A few examples: Chagos Islands and Philippe Sands KC; The Trillions of Reparation payments for Caribbean Slavery and Attorney General Lord Richard Hermer; Davos above Parliament and Keir Starmer.
All human rights lawyers from Matrix chambers; all chums; all deeply hostile to the United Kingdom; all convinced they are right and that you are wrong.
And all keen for you to pay the highest price: seeing our country undone and you personally immiserated.
We need to audit all government spending and delouse Britannia urgently, starting with a deep dive investigation into Matrix chambers.