Gut health can be the cause behind a myriad of conditions. From common minor issues like acid reflux to immune deficiency, making you sick more often.
However, nutritionist Katie Murray has three simple steps to help aid her gut without making a dramatic impact on her daily life. The tried-and-tested methods are free, simple and effective without relying on supplements or complicated routines, according to the AltruVita expert.
While she’s not asking for major diet and lifestyle changes, a bit of willpower is involved. Katie’s first daily step towards a healthier gut is cutting down on one of the nation’s favourite beverages; coffee.
She explained: “Coffee can be dehydrating, so I always make sure to drink a large glass of water alongside my first coffee of the day. I also find swapping to decaf sometimes helps to avoid negative digestive symptoms throughout the day.”
Ultimately, the expert urged people to stick to just one cup a day, even if it’s decaf. When you drink your coffee can also be just as important as Katie recommended having your one cup after a meal to avoid acid reflux.
While having a more balanced diet has great benefits for your gut health, how you eat your food can also have an impact. Katie explained: “Taking the time to properly chew our food helps our body break it down more effectively.
“I find that taking my time when eating and really concentrating on chewing gives my brain enough time to catch up with my stomach. Leaving me feeling more satisfied without overindulging.”
After meals, Katie heads out for a quick walk, noting that even a 10-minute stroll can have incredible benefits and multiply the good effects of the food you just ate. She shared: ”Walking after eating helps regulate blood sugar levels and gently stimulates the digestive tract, preventing that sluggish feeling we often get after a big meal.
“And it’s one of the easiest habits to build into your daily routine for both physical and mental wellbeing.” Walking after eating can also help to keep the digestive tract moving so there’s less chance of developing bloating or discomfort.