An NHS doctor has shared three symptoms that you should never ignore as they could indicate several different medical issues.
Dr Karan Raj is and NHSsurgeon and a university lecturer at the University of Sunderland Medical School and has created a large social media following where he shares health advice as well as debunks health and medical myths.
In one video, he highlighted three common health symptoms that should always be checked by a medical professional as they could indicate various medical issues.
“Three health signs that you should never ignore,” he stated in the TikTok video before proceeding with his list. “The last one is something no one is ever told.”
1. Unexpected weight loss
“Rapidly losing weight without trying to, go see a doctor,” advised Dr Raj.
The NHS defines unintentional weight loss as shedding pounds without altering your diet or exercise routine. This can be a symptom of stress or a severe illness.
Mental health conditions, digestive problems, and other health issues such as an overactive thyroid, type 2 diabetes, and heart failure are some causes of unintentional weight loss.
2. A changing mole
While moles are common, if you notice any changes in one of them, it’s advisable to have it examined by your GP.
“A mole that’s rapidly changing in size, shape, or colour – go check it out,” Dr Raj recommended.
3. Your toilet routine has changed
Dr Raj has highlighted a lesser-known symptom to be vigilant about – changes in your bathroom routine.
“If your pooping routine has changed over the last few weeks and you find yourself a lot more constipated or have looser stool, it’s time to get it investigated,” he advised.
When quizzed by viewers on the significance of this symptom by a viewer in the comment section of his video, Dr Raj clarified: “NICE [National Institute for Health and Care Excellence] guidelines if someone experiences a persistent change in Bowel habit over several weeks.. should be investigated for bowel issues (cancer etc).”
If you experience any of these symptoms, or believe that something is wrong, contact your GP for a consultation.