Arthritis and similar conditions are pervasive in the UK, with over 10 million sufferers grappling with joint pain and inflammation.
The ailment strikes irrespective of age, even affecting children, and manifests in various forms. Nonetheless, a neuroscientist asserts that there are some uncomplicated preventive measures.
Dr Robert Love outlines that adding specific foods to your diet could significantly enhance your health. According to the specialist, eight particular foods have been identified as beneficial for staving off arthritis, as recommended by professional advice shared by Dr. Shintani in a TikTok video.
Berries are suggested as being especially good due to their rich anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, spices like turmeric and ginger rank among the most “powerful” anti-inflammatory agents.
Onions and garlic, alongside chia seeds, flax seeds and wild salmon, also make the cut, praised for their beneficial qualities. When it comes to drinks, green tea earns a commendation owing to its potential in alleviating pain.
Broccoli and dark leafy greens garner acclaim as superfoods in combatting inflammation, while almonds and walnuts may help diminish its impact. Furthermore, orange vegetables such as pumpkin, squash and carrots, known for their high anti-inflammatory carotenoid content, are highlighted as instrumental.
It is claimed that incorporating these foods into your diet could alter the experience of living with the condition. Since the video was shared, it has garnered hundreds of views, with many viewers expressing gratitude to the doctor for his advice.
While no diet can completely eliminate pain or arthritis, incorporating certain foods into your daily routine may help alleviate symptoms.
What causes arthritis?
Arthritis can be caused by various factors, including injury, disease, genetics and joint overuse, with the specific type of arthritis determining the underlying cause. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for arthritis, but certain treatments can help slow its progression.
For osteoarthritis, treatments include lifestyle modifications, medication and surgery, whereas rheumatoid arthritis treatment aims to slow the condition’s progression, reduce joint inflammation and prevent joint damage through medication, physiotherapy and surgery.
Although there is no single “hero” food that can completely prevent arthritis, a balanced diet rich in whole foods, low in processed foods and saturated fats and abundant in anti-inflammatory compounds may help manage symptoms and reduce the risk of developing the condition by promoting overall joint health.
In addition to maintaining a healthy weight, it is recommended to consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fatty fish, nuts, seeds and olive oil, as these foods are considered anti-inflammatory. Cutting down on certain foods, such as red meat, processed foods, sugary beverages, refined carbohydrates and excessive saturated fat could also be beneficial.
However, it’s always crucial to consult a GP if you have any health worries or are contemplating making substantial changes to your diet.